이 논문은 2018년도 대학원생지원장학금의 지원에 의해 작성되었음.
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- Diedrichs AL, Bromberg F, Dujovne D, Brun-Laguna K, and Watteyne T (2018). Prediction of frost events using machine learning and IoT sensing devices, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(6), 4589-4597.
- Ding L, Noborio K, and Shibuya K (2019). Frost forecast using machine learning-from association to causality, Procedia Computer Science, 159, 1001-1010.
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- Rajaei P and Baladi GY (2015). Frost depth: general prediction model. Transportation Research Record, 2510(1), 74-80.
- Rozante JR, Gutierrez ER, da Silva Dias PL, de Almeida Fernandes A, Alvim DS, and Silva VM (2020). Development of an index for frost prediction: Technique and validation. Meteorological Applications, 27(1), e1807.
- Sallis P, Jarur M, and Trujillo M (2008, November). Frost prediction characteristics and classification using computational neural networks, In International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 1211-1220.
- Tamura Y, Ding L, Noborio K, and Shibuya K (2020, December). Frost prediction for vineyard using machine learning. In 2020 Joint 11th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 21st International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS-ISIS), 1-4. IEEE.
- Wassan S, Xi C, Jhanjhi NZ, and Binte-Imran L (2021). Effect of frost on plants, leaves, and forecast of frost events using convolutional neural networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 17(10), 15501477211053777.
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- Zheng H and Wu Y (2019). A xgboost model with weather similarity analysis and feature engineering for short-term wind power forecasting. Applied Sciences, 9(15), 3019.