A Study on the Majinhwiseong (麻疹彙成), a Medical Text on Measles Written by Joseon physician Lee Wonpung

조선 의원 이원풍(李元豊)의 마진 의서, 『마진휘성(麻疹彙成)』연구

  • OH, Chaekun (College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 오재근 (대전대학교 한의과대학)
  • Received : 2022.07.19
  • Accepted : 2022.07.29
  • Published : 2022.08.25


Objectives : In this paper, the outline and overall content of the Majinhwiseong, a specialized medical text on measles written by Lee Wonpung was introduced, along with its academic historical meaning. Methods : The entire Majinhwiseong was analyzed according to content and form. In terms of form, organization, construction, cited literature, etc., were studied, while in terms of content, diagnosis of disease pattern and treatment formulas were studied. Later, based on cited medical texts and the author's social position, the academic historical meaning of this book was discussed. Results : Through the Majinhwiseong, Lee Wonpung strengthened the credibility of the text by not only providing medical knowledge on measles but listing their sources and comparing and analyzing related contents. In the diagnosis part, Lee focused on the changes in symptom, shape, color, and pulse of measles, discussing in detail its differential diagnostic methods. In the treatment part, while listing numerous formulas suggested by Ming (明) masters, Lee did not leave out treatment experiences of Joseon physicians. Meanwhile, the Majinhwiseong is indicative of measles medicine in 18th century Joseon having been progressed in the private sector rather than the official, and how the results of private sector medicine were being absorbed into the official realm through the Uiyakdongcham (議藥同參) system. Conclusions : The Majinhwiseong is a practical treatment manual written by clinician Lee Wonpung to deal measles which was widely spread at the time. The author organized existing medical knowledge on measles for clinicians while reflecting outcomes and medical situation of Joseon physicians in this book. Based on these findings, we could verify that medicine in 18th century Joseon had been progressing actively around the private medical sector.



이 논문은 2020년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구이다(NRF-2020S1A5C2A02092567). 이번 연구에 활용된 『마진휘성』 초본은 한독의약박물관에 소장되어 있다. 귀중한 자료를 제공해주신 한독의약박물관 및 김혜나, 권옥희 학예연구사님께 감사드린다.


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