Beam-target configurations and robustness performance of the tungsten granular flow spallation target for an Accelerator-Driven Sub-critical system

  • Received : 2021.08.22
  • Accepted : 2022.01.21
  • Published : 2022.07.25


The dense granular flow spallation target is a new target concept proposed for an Accelerator-Driven Sub-critical (ADS) system. In this paper, the beam-target configurations of a tungsten granular flow target for the ADS with a thermal power of 1 GW is explored. The beam profile options using different scanning methods are discussed. The critical geometry parameters are adjusted to investigate the performance of the granular target from the aspects of neutron efficiency, stability and temperature distribution in target medium. To figure out how the target under accident conditions would behave, different clogging conditions are induced in the simulation. The dynamic processes are analyzed and some important parameters such as abnormal temperature rise and beam cutoff time window are obtained. The response of the sub-critical reactor to a clogging accident is also investigated. It is indicated that the monitoring of the granular flow by the neutron detectors in the sub-critical core will be effective.



This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11805253, 11905272, 11775282), the CAS Strategic Priority Research Program-Future Advanced Nuclear Fission Energy (XDA03000000) and the Large Research Infrastructures of 12th Five-Year Plan: China initiative Accelerator Driven System.


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