• Hoa, Nguyen T. (Department of Mathematics University of Education Hue University) ;
  • Linh, Tran N.K. (Department of Mathematics University of Education Hue University) ;
  • Long, Le N. (Fakultat fur Informatik und Mathematik Universitat Passau and Department of Mathematics University of Education Hue University) ;
  • Nhan, Phan T.T. (Department of Mathematics University of Education Hue University) ;
  • Nhi, Nguyen T.P. (Department of Mathematics University of Education Hue University)
  • 투고 : 2021.07.22
  • 심사 : 2021.10.29
  • 발행 : 2022.07.31


Given an ACM set 𝕏 of points in a multiprojective space ℙm×ℙn over a field of characteristic zero, we are interested in studying the Kähler different and the Cayley-Bacharach property for 𝕏. In ℙ1×ℙ1, the Cayley-Bacharach property agrees with the complete intersection property and it is characterized by using the Kähler different. However, this result fails to hold in ℙm×ℙn for n > 1 or m > 1. In this paper we start an investigation of the Kähler different and its Hilbert function and then prove that 𝕏 is a complete intersection of type (d1, …, dm, d'1, …, d'n) if and only if it has the Cayley-Bacharach property and the Kähler different is non-zero at a certain degree. We characterize the Cayley-Bacharach property of 𝕏 under certain assumptions.



The authors thank Martin Kreuzer and Elena Guardo for their encouragement to elaborate some results presented here. The first author and the last two authors were supported by University of Education - Hue University under grant number T.20-TN.SV-01. The second author was partially supported by the Program for Research Activities of Senior Researchers of VAST under the grant number NVCC01.11/21-21. The second and third authors were partially supported by Hue University, Grant No. NCM.DHH.2020.15 and DHH2021-03-159. Last, but not least, we are extremely thankful to the referee for his/her very detailed and enlightening comments.


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