이 논문은 2021년도 조선대학교 학술연구비 지원에 의한 논문임.
- 강신형, 박상문 (2018), "중소기업의 기술혁신역량과 혁신성과의 관계", 벤처창업연구, 13(2), 91-100.
- 권업, 신진교 (2007), "지배구조, 기업혁신 및 성과", 인적자원관리연구, 14(4), 217-233.
- 권육상, 유왕진 (2011), "코스닥 상장 중소벤처기업의 특허취득 공시가 기업가치에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구", 경영교육연구, 26(2), 51-72.
- 김병기, 남윤명 (2019), "코스닥 상장기업의 특허에 관한 연구", 대한경영학회지, 32(2), 195-218.
- 김은희 (2016), "IPO 전후 혁신의 효율성 비교 연구: 의약산업 중심으로", 기술혁신연구, 24(1), 143-167.
- 김은혜, 마희영, 김경호 (2010), "코스닥시장 신규 상장기업의 장기 경영성과에 관한 실증연구", 대한경영학회지, 23(1), 229-259.
- 나영, 곽장미 (2011), "특허권 취득공시의 가치관련성에 따른 시장별 차이분석- 코스피와 코스닥을 중심으로-", 회계정보연구, 29(1), 97-132.
- 박영석, 김남곤, 최운열 (2010), "코스닥시장 상장법인의 연구개발투자가 영업성과와 기업가치에 미치는 영향", 재무관리연구, 27(4), 89-110.
- 박지영, 신현한 (2020), "벤처캐피탈 투자가 벤처기업 혁신성과에 미치는 영향", 벤처창업연구, 15(1), 1-15.
- 심성학, 서환주 (2019), "네트워크 활동 특성이 R&D 수행기업의 기술혁신 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 : 관계자본, 산학연 연계, 비공식교류를 중심으로", 아태비즈니스연구, 10(4), 49-63.
- 이광용, 신현한, 김소연 (2019), "벤처캐피탈 투자기업의 성과에 관한 연구: 코스닥 IPO 기업을 중심으로", 벤처창업연구, 14(2), 15-30.
- 임병균 (1997), "IPO 주식의 장단기 성과와 영업성과", 재무관리연구, 14(2), 253-271.
- 정성창, 김영환 (2016), "경영자의 보상구조와 기업의 특허등록", 산업경제연구, 29(5), 1703-1727.
- 최정호 (1994), "광고비 및 연구개발비 지출이 기업가치에 미치는 영향: 토빈 q에 의한 실증적 분석", 회계학연구, 19(1), 103-124.
- Aggarwal, V. A. and D. H. Hsu (2014), "Entrepreneurial Exits and Innovation", Management Science, 60(4), 867-887.
- Arrow, K. J. (1962), Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention, Volume Title: The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors, Princeton University Press, 609-626.
- Bancel, F. and U. R. Mittoo (2009), "Why do European Firms Go Public?", European Financial Management, 15(4), 844-884.
- Rajan, R. G. (1992), "Insiders and Outsiders: The Choice between Informed and Arm's-length Debt", The Journal of Finance, 47(4), 1367-1400.
- Brau, J. C. and S. E. Fawcett (2006), "Initial Public Offerings: An Analysis of Theory and Practice", The Journal of Finance, 61(1), 399-436.
- Bernstein, S. (2015), "Does Going Public Affect Innovation?", The Journal of Finance, 70(4), 1365-1403.
- Bertrand, M. and S. Mullainathan (2003), "Enjoying the Quiet Life? Corporate Governance and Managerial Preferences", Journal of Political Economy, 111(5), 1043-1075.
- Chemmanur, T. and X. Tian (2018), "Do Antitakeover Provisions Spur Corporate Innovation? A Regression Discontinuity Analysis", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 53(3), 1163-1194.
- Chemmanur, T. J., E. Loutskina and X. Tian (2014), "Corporate Venture Capital, Value Creation, and Innovation", The Review of Financial Studies, 27(8), 2434-2473.
- Cohen, L., K. Diether and C. Malloy (2013), "Misvaluing Innovation", The Review of Financial Studies, 26(3), 635-666.
- Cong, L. W. and S. T. Howell (2018), "IPO Intervention and Innovation: Evidence from China", National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Erickson, G. and R. Jacobson (1992), "Gaining Comparative Advantage through Discretionary Expenditures: The Returns to R&D and Advertising", Management Science, 38(9), 1264-1279.
- Ferreira, D., G. Manso and A. C. Silva (2014), "Incentives to Innovate and the Decision to Go Public or Private", The Review of Financial Studies, 27(1), 256-300.
- Griliches, Z. (1981), "Market Value, R&D, and Patents", Economics Letters, 7(2), 183-187.
- Guo, R. J. and N. Zhou (2016), "Innovation Capability and Post-IPO Performance", Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 46(2), 335-357.
- Hall, B. H. and J. Lerner (2010), The Financing of R&D and Innovation, In Handbook of the Economics of Innovation (Vol. 1, pp. 609-639). North-Holland.
- Hall, B. H., A. B. Jaffe and M. Trajtenberg (2001), "The NBER Patent Citation Data File: Lessons, Insights and Methodological Tools", NBER Working Paper.
- He, H., H. Li and J. Zhang (2017), "Does the Stock Market Boost Firm Innovation?: Evidence from Chinese Firms", International Monetary Fund.
- Hirshleifer, D., P. H. Hsu, and D. Li (2013), "Innovative Efficiency and Stock Returns", Journal of Financial Economics, 107(3), 632-654.
- Kim, W. and M. S. Weisbach (2005), "Do Firms Go Public to Raise Capital?", NBER Working Paper Series.
- Kogan, L., D. Papanikolaou, A. Seru and N. Stoffman (2017), "Technological Innovation, Resource Allocation, and Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 132(2), 665-712.
- Porter, M. E. (1992), "Capital Choices: Changing the Way America Invests in Industry", Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 5(2), 4-16.
- Rajan, R. G. (1992), "Insiders and Outsiders: The Choice between Informed and Arm's-length Debt", The Journal of Finance, 47(4), 1367-1400.
- Ravasi, D. and G. Marchisio (2001), "Family Firms and the Decision to Go Public: A Study of Italian IPOs", SDA BOCCONI Research Division Working Paper.
- Schumpeter, J. (1942), Creative Destruction-Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (Vol. 825), New York City, NY: Harper and Brothers.
- Sohn, P. and H. Nam (2016), "Does Market Competition Stimulate Innovation?: Evidence from Korean Firms", 한국경영학회 통합학술발표논문집, 1938-1961.
- Sood, A. and G. J. Tellis (2009), "Do Innovations Really Pay Off? Total Stock Market Returns to Innovation", Marketing Science, 28(3), 442-456.
- Spiegel, M. I. and H. Tookes (2008), "Dynamic Competition, Innovation and Strategic Financing", SSRN
- Stein, J. C. (1989), "Efficient Capital Markets, Inefficient Firms: A Model of Myopic Corporate Behavior", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104(4), 655-669.
- Tellis, G. J., J. C. Prabhu and R. K. Chandy (2009), "Radical Innovation across Nations: The Preeminence of Corporate Culture", Journal of Marketing, 73(1), 3-23.
- Wies, S. and C. Moorman (2015), "Going Public: How Stock Market Listing Changes Firm Innovation Behavior", Journal of Marketing Research, 52(5), 694-709.
- Wu, G. A. (2012), "The Effect of Going Public on Innovative Productivity and Exploratory Search", Organization Science, 23(4), 928-950.