Fixed Point Theorems for Mixed Monotone Vector Operators with Application to Systems of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

  • Sadrati, Abdellatif (MSISI Laboratory, AM2CSI Group, Department of Mathematics, FST, University Moulay Ismal of Meknes) ;
  • Aouragh, My Driss (MSISI Laboratory, AM2CSI Group, Department of Mathematics, FST, University Moulay Ismal of Meknes)
  • 투고 : 2020.04.11
  • 심사 : 2020.11.23
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


In this paper, we present and prove new existence and uniqueness fixed point theorems for vector operators having a mixed monotone property in partially ordered product Banach spaces. Our results extend and improve existing works on τ-φ-concave operators in the scalar case. As an application, we study the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for systems of nonlinear Neumann boundary value problems.



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