Distribution of Environmental Awareness Applying an Ecological Theory of Ted Hughes

  • CHO, Jongwhee (Department of English Language and Literature, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • Received : 2021.07.25
  • Accepted : 2021.09.05
  • Published : 2021.09.30


Purpose: The current study aims and reviews the current state of research in green awareness' distribution structure using the ecological theory of Ted Hughes who was regarded as one of the best English poets of the 20 century. Ted poetry has innovated ecological distribution. It has inspired so many young people to have a positive energy impact on the environment. Research design, data and methodology: Action research design is an approach used extensively in qualitative content analysis. This design starts by adopting an exploratory claim that develops the research objectives, hence instigating the action process, which involves several strategies. This type of design involves a cyclic process of stance then action. Results: According to the investigation, there are nine solutions that can deal with the green distribution based on previous literature review, applying an ecological approach of Ted Hughes to green awareness distribution. The solutions figured out that Ted's novels had an innovative impact on the environment as it is clear that information is given to society. Conclusions: It is observed that having a highly professional environment is good enough for a structure to go green. But, on the other hand, polluting our environment can endanger species by causing health diseases and environmental problems.


1. Introduction

Hughe was regarded as one of the best English poets of the 20 century. Hughe came to be well known in poetry through his wife, who helped him publish his first book, ‘Hawk in the Rain’. This book first got Ted critics from people as one of the exciting contexts in history. He became a well-known writer in English poetry. Before Hughe died, his last collection of birthday letters and wolf watching broke the death of his wife, Sylvia Plath. Ted got interested in poetry through his brother. He would sing American war songs to trigger his interest in poetry. He got into writing war poetry which was a stand-by likeness of people reading his words. Later this young man was introduced to Gerard Manley Hopkins and T.S. Eliot by his teacher.

Ted found more passion in writing poetry that inspired more people after reading. Ted was born on 17 August 1930 in Mytholmoryod, Yorkshire, England, and died on 28 October 1998, aged 68, in Landon, England. It was a loss for many poet readers. Ted not only wrote poems but was involved in playwright and writing. Ted's Fathers name was William Henry Hudges, and his Mother was Edith Farrar. Ted studied at Pembroke College in 1951. He was learning English under Poet Laureate. Ted was highly encouraged, supported too, but the Hodgarts' supervision but decided to attend lecture classes and wrote no more poetry. He had two children, namely Frieda Rebecca, born in 1960, and Nicholas Farrar, born in 1962 and died in 2009. In 1961, he bought the house of Court Green, around North Tawton, Devon.

Ted's main hobbies were hunting and fishing. He also enjoyed going swimming and going for picnics with his family. His other name was Animal Poets. The poems of Ted Hughes have admirable violence in them. His poetry is described to be masculine, harsh having abrasive diction. His theme mainly touches on the positive way of enforcing power in violence. Violence is sometimes clearly misunderstood in his poetry. Another theme displayed by Ted was "death." There was an introduction of the Ted Hughes Award, which is given to a poet in recognition work. He had stopped writing poems until a suicidal case took place by Plath. After that, volumes of poetry had to flow from him as people got deeper reading them. In one of the interviews, Plath is described to be a poet also. After the two got married, they wrote poems to each other and about each other.

Ted poetry has innovated ecological distribution. It has inspired so many young people to have a positive energy impact on the environment. His books, such as the Iron man and his cultural way of living, have brought positive responses to the environment. The context of Ted deals with the innovation of environmental problems and policies in contrast to the demand for low polluting and proficient products. Economic and ecological involvement performance has been a debated topic if they can go hand in hand. It has happened ever since the modulation of the environmental policies since the 1970s. The view is that these firms will try to invest in abundance, but more additional effort is needed to provide for everyone's goods is come to cost due to environmental pollution. Ted gave out a positive impact on businesses in bringing the best out of their society. He motivates young men to have the positive energy in building something extraordinary, according to the study of Twiddy (2009), he was focused on the well-being of the ecology. He was one of the greatest minds to relate to ecology. His pattern runs to most schools about the importance of ecological structure building. Being a poet was the positive side of society. To teach young men the importance of taking care of the niche was essential to him too. He, therefore, gave out the use of strength to the ecology in a positive way.

There is a big difference between the study of the distribution of environmental awareness applying an ecological theory of Ted Hughes with another existing research. Through the application of Ted Hughes's view, there is a broader focus on developing eco-poetics and consciousness of environment in representing wildlife, environments, and natural occurrences, absent from other existing studies (Reddick, 2017). Through the application of Hughes's theory, we can study animals, myths, and history in the reading; hence Eco critically brings a rigorous focus of refining the idea of "nature" and therefore addressing the questions of the connection existing in ecological interconnectedness and environmentalism (Baby, 2020). His theory which is absent in other studies enhances the study of animal subjectivity and ethics of the environment concerning the rare species and the extinction of flora and fauna (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008). There is an ecological need for this study as it widely discovers the existing interfaces of other creatures, plants, and the regular elements is relative to interference by humans, destruction, and the construction of the environments that are external (Reddick, 2017). The study, therefore, provides excellent insights regarding the existing distinction and the integration of both egocentrism and the wider anthropocentrism, which is Hughes's epitome of imagination and creativity. The study is also critical in nature as it re-evaluates the impression of wilderness in surroundings that are regarded distinctive, including other non-human beings that are both uninhabited and tamed together with rural backgrounds and communities of human (Baby, 2020). All these aspects are studied through the ecological lens (Reddick, 2017). However, there is a research gap in the study. There is a complete examination of Hughes's environmental writings presented through political and historical contents, hence leaving a gap in how his poetry works are intertwined with the environment both at the linguistic and formal levels.

2. Literature Review

The paper reviews the current state of research in green products' distribution structure. Innovations and marketing involve perceiving a problem like unmet customers' needs leading to development that addresses the opportunity inventions, commercialization, and product development. However, evidence of marketing innovation includes changes in the design and packaging of products. Innovation includes market research. Dangelico, Pujari, and Pontrandolfo (2017) confirm that novel marketing strategies have gotten little attention despite extensive product innovations and development. The previous study (Song, Wang, & Ma, 2020) demonstrate that economic growth influences by society and ecology. It brings a focus on meeting consumer needs by managing market-related issues on the economy and natural environment.

The prior study (Zhao, Feng, & Shi, 2018) raised a concern on degrading environmental quality due to harmful effects posed by industries. Companies address ecological issues by meeting environmental regulations. The problems of concern include business activities like pricing, distribution, and developing green market practices. Marketing professionals embrace the concept of sustainability for a better future. Green marketing embraces companies' aspects of production, consumption, disposal for substantive progress. Environmental sustainability gains importance for competitive business advantage. Xie, Huo, and Zou (2019) suggested that strategic development lacks significant empirical growth and argued that green marketing helps understand the interactions between the company and consumers. There are important issues that require understanding. They include necessary changes in marketing practices and opportunities in concept sustainability.

The concept of marketing undergoes many changes that focus on the domain, changing consumer needs, and changing orientation. Marketing domain witnesses a competitive environment. Dangelico and his associates (2017) suggested that consumers are more assertive and have a clear understanding of the market. It is mainly for the high value and quality of products to build trust in their judgments. Developments in communication technologies and cultural contexts give rise to market changes. For an effective marketing performance, a customer retention strategy is essential. The present ideas on consumption have brought concerns about the ecological impacts of marketing.

According to the study of Melander (2017), in 2013, a green marketing company receives a promotion as one of the leading companies worldwide. The company intends to provide environmental value to its customers. It implements supply chain measures on efforts put in reducing Carbon dioxide gas emissions. It also views the use of materials for packaging towards cutting costs. Thus, it helps in reducing environmental effects on the supply chain. In 2014, the company registered products specifically for imaging devices and products (Xie et al., 2019). A good number of products are rated under Gold products in the imaging and products category during this year.

To develop the prominent companies' sales, the group holds a global environmental conference (Melander, 2017). The in-attendance companies share their success stories and best practices that they have gone through. Most companies cultivate environmental know-how with the promise of resolving customers' environmental challenges. Companies have to proceed with their initiatives to support customers' activities in the environment. Concerning distribution, prior efforts are made to reduce air transportation. It also helps minimize the occurrence of adhering to schedules for development, quality problems, and improving demand forecasting. The innovation works on optimizing measures in supply control and supply chain management. The efforts result in a reduction of Carbon dioxide emissions got from the distribution of 2600 tones. One thousand three hundred tons are the reduction attributable to optimization of supply chain management and supply control. However, the per-unit target is not achieved due to unexpected demand for air shipping in response to delays in production. The group performs its target by working on packaging reduction of after-sales parts.

From procurement and production sales in activities, the innovation aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Melander (2018.) argued that ferrying products of similar weight through cargo emits carbon dioxide 57times than in a ship. The initiative supports the use of the boat for the transportation of Information and Technology devices. In situations of cargo planes as the only solution, the carbon dioxide emission increases. The innovation aims to reduce the frequency of aircraft use by improving its inventory system. The invention focuses on minimizing quality problems that may occur in efforts to reduce air transport. Moreover, it works at management measures like optimization of supply management.

In 2013, air ferrying was necessary because of the production delays causing a miss in goal per unit of distribution. According to the study (Song et al., 2020), carbon dioxide emissions in the previous years are 2, 600 tons. The innovation promotes a modal shift for long distance shipments of products and parts. It switches from railways, aircraft to ships and another mode of transport that emit less carbon dioxide. The emission of gas was reduced by restructuring the logistics facilities around the world. The "milk run" logistics involves the use of one vehicle is picking up goods from different supplies. It helps in reducing emissions by reducing the total driving mileage of trucks. In addition, the innovation encourages reusable boxes instead of cartons for the transportation of parts.

According to the study (Dangelico et al., 2017), marketing acts as a connecter between companies and consumers. They argued that a company must satisfy customers' demands by coordinating activities.

Green marketing is grounded on attempts to address environmental impacts and finite sources. The laws of nature consider ecological sensitivity to ensure a holistic quality of life. Zhao and her colleagues (2018) identify sustainable marketing, environmental marketing, and green marketing as synonymously used. Green marketing concentrates on the legislative push towards environmentally friendly corporate. Companies are responsible for pollution prevention by satisfying the customer's demands and achieving the organizations' goals. Environment-friendly activities follow a holistic management process that is compatible with the ecosystem. The process has to satisfy human needs and fulfil the organization's future goals. It focuses on redefining market products by informing consumers about the environmental aspects and product usage. It involves the amalgamation of several processes.

Green consumers are the epicenter of environmental marketing strategy. It focuses on past purchasing behavior and green purchasing behavior. Melander (2018) indicated that environmentally conscious consumers respond responsibly in their purchase behavior. Xie et al. (2019) defined a green consumer as an individual who rejects products that are likely to endanger the consumer's health or threaten the environment. Consumers are likely to accept products from companies that follow strictly eco friendly practices. Studies indicate that behavior is governed by a person's thoughts and feelings that develop towards green products. Green marketing elaborates on changing and influencing consumer behavior. Managers posse sets of values that create the marketing practices around environmental mission. They incorporate green marketing philosophy in business functions. It confirms that green product association comes from marketing innovations that aim to establish the product. Moreover, green marketing managers explore their skills in creating a favorable perception of green products.

The priority to marketing research and innovation is considered by giving it extensive attention. If not given evident attention, innovation and development novel marketing would be ignored and forgotten. Studies show that economic growth significantly influences society, and ecology is the best approach for novel innovation. It will focus on meeting the consumer's needs.

3. Research Method

A research design is a very intricate factor in any research since it is the blueprint that guides how the data will be collected, measured, and analyzed. It contains the integration of various study variables to bring out coherence and logic that address the research questions. What majorly determines the research design to be used is the research problem. However, qualitative content analysis can only employ specific research designs due to the nature of research (Lee, 2021; Sung, 2021). Various research designs can be used for qualitative content analysis, such as action research design, case study design, causal design, descriptive design and field research design, among many others. The present research conducted numerous qualitative methodology to obtain textual data. The following methods were applied by the present research.

3.1. Descriptive design

Action research design is an approach used extensively in qualitative content analysis. This design starts by adopting an exploratory claim that develops the research objectives, hence instigating the action process, which involves several strategies. This type of design involves a cyclic process of stance then action. Although a good design, it is tough to compile data using this process since data is mostly in story form (Woo, 2021). This research design is precious, primarily since very little is known regarding the subject being studied. Although case study designs provide detailed descriptions of a specific phenomenon, the issue may not necessarily represent the larger population regarding the problem in question. Causal design is the type of research design that experiments with a specific factor's effect on another. It mainly uses the "X" and "Y" principles to show the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. It is a design that aids researchers in understanding why the world is as it is by comparing variables. Although it offers profound revelations, this design has its limitations in that not all relationships or factors are causal (Woo, 2021; Choi, 2021).

Descriptive design is the most common research design used in qualitative content analysis since it answers various questions such as where who, how, what, when, among others which all relate to the study's objectives. Moreover, this design is very rich in information dues to the large volumes of data collected, which provide very detailed analysis. The field study design studies or research carried out in the field. It is a typical design for qualitative content analysis. It is also known as ethnography since it encompasses observations and interviews of people or groups in their natural environment (Lee, 2021; Woo, 2021). The researcher documents all they see which relates to the study hence developing specific themes and concepts. This research design requires a lot of commitment from the researcher, and compiling the information may be a lot harder due to the numerous observations that need to be analyzed. However, the present author collected numerous qualitative textual data and could develop own theory regarding innovation of green awareness distribution based on an ecological supply of Ted Hughes.

In this research, qualitative methods of analyzing data were applied. These are data that both approximate and characterizes. Due to the nature of the study, this method was more practical in the application as there were no numerical aspects in the study (Mayring, 2004). The data in this research was conducted and collected through observations, conducting of focus groups, and similar techniques. Since the data in this research was expletory, it extensively involved in-depth analysis and research. The main focus was on gaining insights, reasoning, and motivation (Kohlbacher, 2006). The data to be analyzed in this research is not measurable, and hence the application of data collection tools was critical. Among the methods that were applied in the data collection for this research included;

1. Recordkeeping. In this application, the method applied; largely comparisons between the existing literature and reliable documents with similar information as the data sources (Maddock, 1999). Comparisons of the already existing information were gotten from other literature reviews from general theories and comparisons made (Kohlbacher, 2006). Several articles from various authors regarding the distribution of environmental awareness were regarded, and the information gained was compared to that with a specific application of Ted Hughes hence drawing the possible similarities and differences. 2. Process of observation. Several respondents were gathered, and a researcher immersed himself in the group of researchers where the researcher-maintained closeness while taking notes. The process extensively involved getting observation. 3. Case studies. Several case studies were analyzed, and data was gathered in a comprehensive analysis of the present case studies regarding the distribution of environmental awareness applying an ecological theory on Ted Hughes (Williams, 2007). The masculinity of this method was demonstrated in how the technique was used to analyze the research's complexity.

The main approaches to qualitative data analysis were used in collecting the textual data for research, namely, the deductive method. This approach involved studying the data that was qualitative centered on a structure that was prearranged by the research. In this application, the use of questions was used as a monitor in analyzing the collected data (Kohlbacher, 2006). This method was critical and more helpful for regard as it was faster and accessible in the application and the fact that I had a likely response that I expected to receive from the sample population.

3.2. Qualifications of Qualitative Content Analysis

Qualitative content analysis pays attention on the phenomena that takes place in natural settings. The information is analyzed without utilizing statistics. Qualitative content analysis at many times occurs in the field or wherever the participants usually carry out their activities and is thus regularly referred to as field research. Qualitative researchers examine things in their natural; settings trying to interpret, or make sense of phenomena in terms of the meanings individuals bring on the table for them. Researchers such as Lee (2021) and Woo (2021) indicate that qualitative content analysis does not pay much attention on the cause and impact of subjects than is research based on experimentation. Qualitative content analysis depends fundamentally on the gathering of qualitative information. It incorporates the studied use and collection of numerous empirical materials case study, productions, cultural texts, artifacts, interview, life story, introspection, personal experience – that explain problematic and routine meanings and moments in the lives of individuals (Mayring, 2004). Introspection refers to self-observation and conscious inner sensations, desires, and thoughts. It is important to note that in qualitative content analysis, information is gathered openly and spontaneously in natural settings. These approaches have far less control and framework compared to quantitative approaches.

Table 1: The Characteristics of Qualitative Content Method

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Kohlbacher (2006) asserts that capacities to take in holistic and rich qualities of real-life situations, flexibility in design and processes paving way for adjustments in procedure, sensitivity to meanings, and procedures of artifacts and persons activities are the most significant strengths when it comes to qualitative content analysis. The overall mentioned weaknesses are the issue of dealing with vast quantities of information, step-by-step established processes, or few guidelines (Williams, 2007). The credibility of qualitative information can be seen as suspect with the postpositivist paradigm. Post positivists believe that human knowhow is based not on rock-solid, unchallengeable foundations, but rather upon human estimations. As human knowhow is thus unescapably hypothetical, the assumption of these estimations is guaranteed, or more particularly, justified by a set of warrants that can be withdrawn or modified in the light of further research.

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Figure 1: Data Gathering Process

4. Results

Based on twenty-three prior studies (Awan, Nauman, & Sroufe, 2021; Buhl, 2018; Chakrabarti, 1974; Chan, Yee, Dai, & Lim, 2016; Chang, 2016; Chang, 2018; Chapman & Hyland, 2004; De Massis, Frattini, Pizzurno, & Cassia, 2015; Dougherty, 1992; Dougherty & Hardy, 1996; Guoyou, Saixing, Chiming, Haitao, & Hailiang, 2013; Ilg, 2019; Lau & Ngo, 2004; Lee & Kim, 2011; Li & Atuahene-Gima, 2001; Li, Tong, Ye, & Song, 2020; Lyytinen, Yoo, & Boland Jr, 2016; Noci & Verganti, 1999; Olson, 2013; Parthasarthy & Hammond, 2002; Qiu, Jie, Wang, & Zhao, 2020; Schiederig, Tietze, & Herstatt, 2012; Zhang & Zhu, 2019), this study suggests the distribution strategy of environmental awareness for individuals and organizations. This strategy is compatible with Ted Hughes's ecological theories.

4.1. Distribution Strategy of Green Awareness

4.1.1. Using better lighting and Packaging

Using goof technology that does not pollute the environment, people tend to subdue operating efficiently and safely. As discussed earlier, fuel, coal pollutes the environment. But on development of technology, minor disaster is set on the ecological surrounding. On people observe garbage cans which are used for throwing in waste materials. It is highly recommended that people stay sensitive to the ecological system because of the consequences faced. Therefore using trash cans is much more helpful.

4.1.2. Technological importance.

Technology is an alternative way to reduce nature pollution and distribute environmental items. However, using the technology helps first to enhance and develop a business. For example, solar panels allow people to develop due to the low cost of money spent. Having a large fan helps to save money for the business to go green. The large fan is handy as it brings out the room temperature of the environment to workers. It can provide a good place of work.

4.1.3. Maintain the efficiency and development of Product

When people have any material, they should be able to maintain it. Maintaining an excellent environmental condition is suitable for everyone. People should plant enough trees for a good climate change—for example, rainfalls. Industrial and car fumes are to be reduced by using modern electric vehicles, which are less harmful to the environment.

Society is influenced mainly by the development of a new safe way to safeguard the environment. These ways are planned through true human conscience. Implementing rules and regulations like no throwing garbage anywhere or collecting waste materials is a good practice by the youth. The development of such projects can lead to having a proficient ecological system and developing products by reusing materials to create something that could positively impact society. Tasks such as saving water, money, and many more are essential.

Table 2: Key Elements of Distribution Strategy of Green Awareness

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4.2. Applying Ecology of Ted Hughes to Green Product Distribution.

Ted's novels have an innovative impact on the environment as it is clear that information is given to society. The use of power in a positive way is the mindset that the community must-have. A great leader such as him was of good influence to society. Therefore, we should have strong leaders with a clear vision of attaining the environment's positive goals. Individuals should always have the mindset to be on an open field to win their environmental goals. We are maintaining the need to respect our environment by following the regulations required. Failure to do this could lead to harmful environmental problems to humans, plants, and the entire ecosystem. By following the process of developing green market practices, we do not disregard the environment. Changes in consumer communication from the companies should be efficient. There are so many solutions that can deal with the green distribution, such as:

4.2.1. Upgrading the Bulb of lighting

An environment with a well-lighted room sparks up the place to look more pleasing than a dark room. Changing person’s old-fashioned bulbs is more efficient to make the background look more friendly. In addition, people will save your electrical bills when having a credible lighting bulb, especially in large warehouses.

4.2.2. Investing in equipment that has efficient energy and Packaging

If individuals have equipment that uses petroleum or electricity, they can try to look for other more efficient options in fuel. When people have a piece of new equipment, ensure that it still functions as you maintain its efficiency. Maximum maintenance is essential to keep the equipment last longer. People should always have a mindset to think about packaging. Use mostly upgraded packaging materials to cut down your waste. Using biodegradable packaging is more efficient, leading to less waste, maintaining high environmental cleanliness. Having waste packages thrown into the environment will not be easy to clean. This intern reduces the possibility of a carbon footprint.

4.2.3. Recycling and Insulation of the Facilities

It is one of the best ways to maintaining environmental cleanliness. This idea is to have a used material and making it into a more resourceful one. The throwing of waste products is not healthy to the ecological sites. Therefore, having a warehouse, papers, bottles, and other waste materials should be in person’s interest to recycle. If not, people might have to make the environment polluted. Reusing materials saves the budget and helps to take care of the ecology. Having the drive to reuse and advise others on returning the used material is one step to protecting individual’s environment from pollution. It is advisable that your building is well insulated, or you could have a hard time paying bills. It also protects your employees from feeling cold or warmer than usual.

4.2.4. HVAC expert and Have a Cool Roof

When people realize their cooling or heating systems are more than usual, people should be able to hire an HVAC expert who can fix it for them. It helps them to save their utility expenses. In addition, the expert could help them reduce the environmental impact, which is not efficient for people. Building upwards helps people to maximize the spacing they need for their warehouse. On the other hand, building outwards limits people from having ample space for a professional workout. Many people would think that this is not important for your businesses. But actually, having a cool roof helps them have a go green business. Having a rooftop that is colored brightly could not absorb the light; rather than it could reflect the light. Its effect leads to reducing the cost during summer. It makes the business go green by saving up many.

4.2.5. Having a large fan

Having a large fan cuts off the use of money. It saves your bills on cooling and heating systems. It uses the air around the warehouse to put it to room temperature. Have green ideas put to a business. Employing good green ideas to a business could boost a stability and saving the ecology. Investing in technology is more critical. Most offices these days use less paper and more technology to store their data. It will make a business go green safely and efficiently. For example, your business sometimes needs not to use electricity rather than employing a large sufficient solar panel to help save electrical bills. Humans are said to have a more significant effect in making the environment either poor or green.

4.2.6. Planting more trees and Having Packaging Areas

When fewer trees are found in an ecological niche, it can destroy the entire global change of such an environment. Instead, all people need to plant trees alongside their businesses for fresh air and good climate change. When your business is surrounded by an atmosphere of green trees, it looks catchy, and people could have a pack in which they could sit down and relax for the cool breeze. Having an area a place where people could store their garbage is essential. It is a highly efficient way of taking care of a business environment to go green. When having this setup, people could show that their business cares much more about making the environment clean than making it unhealthy.

Table 3: Application of Ted Hughes’ Ecology to Green Product Distribution.

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4.3. Summary of Distribution Strategy for Green Awareness

Distribution strategy of green awareness refers to understanding the instability of the environment and the significance of its protection. Promoting green awareness is an appropriate approach of becoming an environmental steward and to participate a brighter future for the coming generation. In other words, it entails being mindful of the natural surrounding and making economic decisions that will not harm the environment at the end of the day. Individuals can show green awareness by deciding to use building materials that are natural and that do not harm the environment ultimately (Lee & Kim, 2011). It is important to note that an individual has to ensure that they have an appropriate understanding of issues concerning the environment. Before an individual can start promoting green awareness in their community, they have to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of the environmental issues that they face in their day-to-day activities. In other words, they have to stay up to date on the environmental news consult resources such as books, and research on the issues that are hindering the community from achieving their expected goals. It is not complex to talk to other members of the community on the environment if individuals have already set sufficient time and resources aside to educate themselves in due course.

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Figure 2: Summary of Distribution Strategy for Green Awareness

Research by Chan et al. (2016) has revealed that there are many resources meant for promoting education and green awareness: group learning (both in the classroom and outside), brochures, videos, articles, books, online courses, inspirational and informational seminars are simply some of the materials that can be involved as far as promoting green awareness is concerned. An appropriate course of action that is meant to ensure individuals’ continued support of green awareness is to pick an environmental related issue that is wreaking havoc to the local community significantly (Chang et al., 2016). The quantity of the environmental issue appears to have no limits and while they are all significant, it is not complex to get flabbergasted. It is important to note that they have to try selecting an issue to pay attention to at a time. As a result, people will see that all the environment-related issues are intertwined and will find their niche of interest at the end of the day. Additionally, friends, family members, and the general community have to be engaged in the discussion on the urgency and importance of the selected environmental issue to be able to achieve the goals meant for promoting green awareness.

Table 4: Main Implications of Green Distribution

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5. Conclusion and Implication

It is observed that having a highly professional environment is good enough for a structure to go green. But, on the other hand, polluting our environment can endanger species by causing health diseases and environmental problems such as the withering of plants due to acidic rain.

Having clean and ready-to-use, less harmful materials saves you money and time, making it go green. Humans can develop a positive impact on society: the development of the product by reusing the materials thrown, collecting waste materials, and recycling them is an efficient way to overcome pollution in society. Polluting the environment can cause harm to plants and animals. The development of an individual goal is an excellent way to set up before the community. Unique and long-term businesses have had encounters to overcome every weakness to gain their consumer's favor. The position at which the company is placed is of colossal importance. There must be cleanliness in the work area for customer service.

What we have concluded is that we must have a clean environment. It is also imperative to have in mind that protecting natural resources is essential. These natural resources are like charcoal, the air, plants, animals, birds, and more so even us. You can save energy. Saving your electrical bills saves your business electrical energy, which in turn saves you money. Each individual can also increase the value of your home. But, first, their home should upgrade, finishing either on the rooftop or buying solar panels to store more power. It would help if you also had a sustainable way of living. Having a good job which you enjoy doing can lead to more good implications about your future. It makes you go green by saving more money for future references.

People can slow down the change in climate by simply taking care of the trees, not polluting the environment with harmful sources such as coal. The idea of planting two trees when cutting one down is fundamental to preserving our climate. However, industries do use a lot of energy and exhaust harmful fumes lost to the environment. Coming up with ways to reduce this defect could save climate change.

All these cannot be done if no one has a clean conscience. When having a clear mind view of the environment is very crucial for the environment to go green. Having a mindset of setting projects such as saving money, water, and energy is a clear description of having a clean conscience about the ecology. Therefore we must always have a goal that brings out a positive impact on the environment.

By having a clean conscience, we improve health. Health is very crucial to a being. Any indication of diseases is not suitable for the individual being. Therefore, we must save all our nature with the birds, plants, and animals living alongside the ecology.

Taking some precautions in the context of environmental awareness reality is significant for the future generation. Additionally, it is believed that some actions to be taken as far as distribution of environmental awareness is concerned will have significant economic implications. Situations such as economic growth, increasing demand of energy, and investments can affect environmental thinking in due course. As a result, cost reductions and technological developments in renewable energies are significant for many countries in almost all corners of the world (Song et al., 2020). The increase in the distribution of environmental awareness and economic conditions is among the conditions to pay attention to when it comes to sustainable growth and sustainable energy supply.

Research by Schiederig et al. (2012) has revealed that distribution in environmental awareness has a significant implication on preparedness to pay about electricity that produced from renewable energy resources. Concerns on global warming and climate change pose a notable risk to the future of our children. Researchers and scientists believe that quick transformations in the global climate for the past few years are regularly caused by increasing greenhouse gas emissions (Awan et al., 2021). Acid deposition and air pollution because of the use of fossil energy sources have a significant implication not just on the environment but also on the human health with a decrease in the lifespan of individuals and increase in the respiratory diseases. Reducing the negative effect of climate change and adapting to it is thought to be a challenging procedure for decision makers, scientists and the public in general. As a result, involved parties have made renewable energy to be among the most significant priorities because of climate change and increasing concern on the insufficiency of fossil fuels.

6. Limitation and Recommendation for future study.

Several limitations, however, were presented by the method of qualitative content analysis. The process was time-consuming since the interpretations were limited (Hughes, 2017). At the same time, personal experiences and the knowledge influence regarding the topic on both observations and conclusions were met (Mayring, 2004). The collection process was seen mainly to delve into personal interactions for data collection, and the discussions that the interviewees were engaged in often deviated from the primary concern of the topic (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008). There was little know-how on the people involved in the data collection regarding the complexity of the research on the distribution of environmental awareness applying the theory of Ted Hughes (Kohlbacher, 2006). The results gained as well could not be verified since the results were open-minded, and the involved participants seemed to have control over the content of the collected data (Hughes, 2017). The method of data collection engaged in this research, qualitative content analysis, was labor-intensive in its application as it involved categorization and recording aspects hence required the application of well-experienced researchers in gaining data from the respondents (Mayring, 2004). Since the method relied heavily on opinion and judgment rather than results as it could not be mathematically calculated, it was tricky to investigate causality (Kohlbacher, 2006). The data obtained from this research was not statistically representative as it is perspective-based; therefore, the responses given were not measured. In this regard, therefore, the comparisons that were made have the possibility of leading to duplication.

There is an excellent need for a more detailed focus on environmental culture as a recommendation for future studies when aligning to the theory of Ted Hughes in the distribution of ecological awareness. This aspect will be vital and critical as it will help situate the ecological embeddedness rather than separating humanity and nature (Reddick, 2017). Hughes is seen to significantly challenge the dualistic conception of nature, portraying it as both destructive and constructive by examining wild creatures in their habitats and the relation to the cultural reference (Baby, 2020). This aspect, therefore, describes Hughes as being critical in approach towards both the anthropocentric ideology, which is seen to eliminate the diversity of nonhuman creatures, and the consequent ecological elements through the restoration of economic, cultural, and environmental values into the observable features. This aspect, therefore, presents a broader gap that requires more input in research to determine the actual relationship between anthropocentric and eccentric approaches to nature. Although, to a more overall extent, Hughess eco poetics are seen to stimulate the reader's perception of the renovated environment in relation to non-human creatures and elements regarded natural, his poetry is seen to evaluate again the meanings of nature in the culture of humans (Burns, 2011). This aspect presents a recommendation for future study as Hughes is seen not to object to the human culture utilizing the resources of the peripheral nature (Reddick, 2017). In addressing appropriations by humans and highlighting the present relationships with nature according to ethics, Hughes gives limited insights into the human culture, hence the need for a deep study on human civilization.


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