《原本老乞大》和《ok!비즈니스중국어》(第三版)的 对比研究 - 以国别化商务汉语教材的编写为中心

  • 투고 : 2021.05.14
  • 심사 : 2021.06.07
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


This paper makes a comparative analysis of and (Third Edition) textbook. In the introduction part, it puts forward the purpose, significance and research object of the text, combs the general situation of the research on the arrangement of business Chinese textbook, discusses the concept and characteristics of business Chinese, and then makes a detailed comparative analysis of and Two Business Textbooks for Korean and Chinese. Firstly, the paper compares the compiling principles, compiling purposes and applicable objects. Then, it compares the text content, vocabulary selection, grammar teaching, culture and other aspects. Business Chinese has more international teaching ideas and diversified teaching methods in textbook editing, while the former is more targeted in different countries, reflecting more contents of cultural comparison between China and Korea in textbook content. we hope to find a reasonable plan for the compilation of Korean business Chinese textbooks.



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