패션 라이브 커머스 유형별 소비자 인식 비교: 텍스트 마이닝 적용

Consumer Perception of Types of Fashion Live Commerce: Using Text Mining

  • 곽하연 (한양대학교, 의류학과 휴먼테크융합전공) ;
  • 이규혜 (한양대학교, 의류학과 휴먼테크융합전공)
  • Gwak, Ha-Yeon (Human-Tech Convergence Program, Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University) ;
  • Lee, Kyu-Hye (Human-Tech Convergence Program, Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University)
  • 투고 : 2021.05.20
  • 심사 : 2021.06.22
  • 발행 : 2021.07.30


This study concludes that communication based on interaction between broadcasting hosts and consumers is differently characterized by fashion live commerce types. Subcategories of the types of fashion live commerce were created and used in the analyses of domestic consumer awareness. Three subcategories were created: The department store type, Designer brand type, and Influencer host type. Comments representing consumers' awareness that appear immediately during real-time broadcasting were collected and used for the analyses. The frequency and TF-IDF-based top keywords were selected to analyze the semantic network and CONCOR, and the top keywords were analyzed by deriving the values of degree of centrality. The analysis identified that a group of product attributes and a group of live commerce offered value were common between the three types. As for the group characteristics classified by type, for the department store types, brand attributes, benefits, and values from pursuing the products were identified. For designer brand types, a group of viewers' responses and inquiries were identified. It is interpreted that the satisfaction value gained from hosts with product expertise has been clustered. Influencer host types have affirmed a group of external product values. A close relationship is formed and it is thought to have led a group of values to trust the external image of the product. This study carries significance in analyzing real-time comment data from consumers using fashion live commerce to empirically reveal the characteristics of each type.



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