Deep Face Verification Based Convolutional Neural Network

  • Fredj, Hana Ben (Universite de Monastir, Faculte des Sciences de Monastir, Laboratoire de Micro-electronique et Instrumentation) ;
  • Bouguezzi, Safa (Universite de Monastir, Faculte des Sciences de Monastir, Laboratoire de Micro-electronique et Instrumentation) ;
  • Souani, Chokri (Universite de Sousse, Institut Superieur des Sciences Appliquees et de Technologie de Sousse)
  • Received : 2021.05.05
  • Published : 2021.05.30


The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has recently made potential improvements in face verification applications. In fact, different models based on the CNN have attained commendable progress in the classification rate using a massive amount of data in an uncontrolled environment. However, the enormous computation costs and the considerable use of storage causes a noticeable problem during training. To address these challenges, we focus on relevant data trained within the CNN model by integrating a lifting method for a better tradeoff between the data size and the computational efficiency. Our approach is characterized by the advantage that it does not need any additional space to store the features. Indeed, it makes the model much faster during the training and classification steps. The experimental results on Labeled Faces in the Wild and YouTube Faces datasets confirm that the proposed CNN framework improves performance in terms of precision. Obviously, our model deliberately designs to achieve significant speedup and reduce computational complexity in deep CNNs without any accuracy loss. Compared to the existing architectures, the proposed model achieves competitive results in face recognition tasks



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