Forecasting ground movement of Patna Region, India

  • 투고 : 2019.09.11
  • 심사 : 2021.04.13
  • 발행 : 2021.05.25


This paper presents the selection and scaling of ground motion of Patna, Bihar (India) using Response Spectra (Rsp) Match technique MATLAB code and soil amplification using Equivalent-linear Earthquake site Response Analyses (EERA) excel macro. North Bihar including Patna is in seismic zone IV hence preventive measure are to be explored to avoid catastrophic earthquake damages. The earthquake ground motion data of Patna is required for economic and effective earthquake resistant constructions in Patna. Five earthquake ground motions obtained from RspMatch2005 technique used to estimate soil movement response for six selected sites in Patna. In present work, the earthquake ground motion data of Patna is generated which is not available earlier in literature. The interpolated shear wave velocity of Patna obtained by SPT test and earthquake ground motion obtained from RSP Match software used as input in EERA to acquire the amplification factor. After that amplification of Earthquake, ground motion using local soil behaviour explored. In present study, it is found the amplification factor is 1.8 to 5 at 5 Hz. This amplified ground motion may be used for linear and nonlinear earthquake structural analysis.



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