비대면 환경에서의 비판적 사고와 토론교육 - 공대 신입생 대상 온라인 수업 사례를 중심으로

Critical Thinking and Debate Education under Non-Face-to-Face Situation - Through Online classes for Freshmen at the Engineering College

  • 신희선 (숙명여자대학교 기초교양대학)
  • Shin, Heesun (College of General Education, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2020.12.07
  • 심사 : 2020.12.25
  • 발행 : 2021.01.31


This research is a case study about "Critical Thinking and Debate Education" class which was done for freshmen at the engineering college of "S" Women's University. Real time remote classes through LMS and ZOOM were the most effective tools under on-line circumstances, considering the fact that video lectures only cannot cultivate students' capabilities of critical thinking and communication. Throughout the analysis on students' self-reflection journals and lecture evaluations, this paper examined considerable future points and the pros and cons of "Critical Thinking and Debate Education" under online presentation and discussion situation. As research outputs, students told they could feel less nervousness and anxiety when they exercise and have a presentation because they could choose familiar space for them. In addition, students also told that they feel comfortable about both self-feedback and peer evaluation, repeatedly seeing the recorded video clip. However, on the contrary, sometimes students felt uncomfortable due to unstable internet connection through the online classes, and they also were regretful about the missing chances of interaction between a teacher and students and of intimate exchanges among students. They also told they had felt a kind of limit of enhancing their presentation skills just in front of the monitor. Considering these outcomes, this research paper points out that online education needs to be proceeded by strengthening multi layered feedback to students with the build-up of a non-face-to-face stable educational infrastructure, application of online instructional strategy, and utilization of YouTube platform and video contents. Through this research paper, I hope the new system of encompassing on/off line "Critical Thinking and Debate Education" and effective teaching and learning method can be developed soon by strengthening the strength of online education.



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