노인 인구 밀집지역 내 전통시장의 도시적 환경 특성 분석

Analysis of the Urban Environmental Characteristics of Traditional Markets in High-density Areas of the Elderly

  • 양영명 (한양대학교 대학원 건축학과) ;
  • 황희준 (한양대학교 건축학부)
  • 투고 : 2021.10.11
  • 심사 : 2021.11.26
  • 발행 : 2021.12.30


The physical environment characteristics of urban spaces are closely related to the elderly's mental health, and it is becoming increasingly important to identify attractive urban spaces that the elderly prefer and spend a lot of time in their daily lives. It was found that traditional markets accounted for a large portion of urban spaces the elderly spend time during the daytime. Therefore, this study aims to obtain differences in the characteristics of the traditional markets and the physical environmental characteristics of the surrounding area located within the high-density areas and low-density areas of the elderly. The study found no significant effect of the physical environmental characteristics inside the traditional market on the effect of the gathering of elderly. The more convenient the public transportation and the more developed the surrounding business districts around the traditional market will affect the daily travel choices of the elderly. However, the diversity of planning for medical facilities, welfare facilities, and leisure facilities used by elderly in their daily lives in the surrounding areas has been more important ever. Furthermore, it will also have a positive impact on the revitalization of traditional markets by increasing accessibility and convenience between facilities.



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