Applications of Immersive Technology Based Policing

치안 분야 몰입 기술 응용

  • 방준성 (공공안전지능화연구실) ;
  • 이용걸 (경찰대학 치안정책연구소(PSI)) ;
  • 신인경 (경찰대학 치안정책연구소(PSI)) ;
  • 박원주 (공공안전지능화연구실)
  • Published : 2020.12.01


Recently, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) has advanced activities in the field of policing, such as police training, crime investigation, and on-site response equipment enhancement. In this paper, we examine how to use immersion technology in the field of policing. Currently, AR/VR technology is mainly used for police education, training, and criminal investigation, and other cases of its use are rare. To use AR/VR technology in a wider range of applications, it is necessary to look at how it can be used in major police activities (e.g., patrol, investigation, and arrest activities).



이 논문은 2020년도 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 정보통신기획평가원의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임[No. 2018-0-00440, 위험 상황 초기 인지를 위한 ICT 기반의 범죄 위험도 예측 및 대응 기술 개발].


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