이미지 라벨링을 이용한 적층제조 단면의 결함 분류

Defect Classification of Cross-section of Additive Manufacturing Using Image-Labeling

  • 투고 : 2020.05.07
  • 심사 : 2020.05.29
  • 발행 : 2020.07.31


Recently, the fourth industrial revolution has been presented as a new paradigm and additive manufacturing (AM) has become one of the most important topics. For this reason, process monitoring for each cross-sectional layer of additive metal manufacturing is important. Particularly, deep learning can train a machine to analyze, optimize, and repair defects. In this paper, image classification is proposed by learning images of defects in the metal cross sections using the convolution neural network (CNN) image labeling algorithm. Defects were classified into three categories: crack, porosity, and hole. To overcome a lack-of-data problem, the amount of learning data was augmented using a data augmentation algorithm. This augmentation algorithm can transform an image to 180 images, increasing the learning accuracy. The number of training and validation images was 25,920 (80 %) and 6,480 (20 %), respectively. An optimized case with a combination of fully connected layers, an optimizer, and a loss function, showed that the model accuracy was 99.7 % and had a success rate of 97.8 % for 180 test images. In conclusion, image labeling was successfully performed and it is expected to be applied to automated AM process inspection and repair systems in the future.



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