구강작열감증후군 환자에서 양도락의 진단적 가치 및 변증과의 상관성 분석

A Clinical Study on the Relationship between Pattern Identifications for Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome and the Ryodoraku Test

  • 김동윤 (경희대학교 대학원 임상한의학과) ;
  • 하나연 (경희대학교한방병원 위장소화내과) ;
  • 김진성 (경희대학교 대학원 임상한의학과)
  • Kim, Dong-yoon (Dept. of Clinical Korean Medicine, Graduate School, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Ha, Na-yeon (Dept. of Digestive Diseases, Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Jin-sung (Dept. of Clinical Korean Medicine, Graduate School, Kyung Hee University)
  • 투고 : 2020.08.21
  • 심사 : 2020.09.26
  • 발행 : 2020.09.30


Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between Ryodoraku and two pattern-identification questionnaires in patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS). Methods: The study participants were 30 patients with BMS who visited the Oral Diseases Clinic of Kyung Hee Oriental Medicine Hospital from June to November, 2019. The Ryodoraku test and two pattern-identification questionnaires were administered to all patients. Measurements included the average Ryodoraku score, which is called the Total Average (TA), and each score on the Ryodoraku point scale. The degree of Yin-deficiency, Qi-stagnation, and pain were assessed with the Yin-deficiency Questionnaire (YDQ), Qi-stagnation Questionnaire (QSQ), and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), respectively. Results: The average TA score was 29.90. The LF5 (p=0.013) and RF5 (p=0.016) scores were lower than the TA scores, and the RH5 (p=0.020) and RH6 (p=0.006) scores were higher than the TA scores. A negative correlation was detected between the YDQ scores and the LH1 (r=-0.366, p=0.046), LH2 (r=-0.507, p=0.004), LH3 (r=-0.374, p=0.042), RH1 (r=-0.361, p=0.050), RH2 (r=-0.403, p=0.027) points. The LF5 (p=0.050) and RF2 (p=0.048) scores were lower in the patients with Qi-stagnation patients than without Qi-stagnation. Conclusions: Our results suggest that low TA and Ryodoraku scores on LF5 and RF5 and high Ryodoraku scores on RH5 and RH6 could be quantitative indicators for the diagnosis of BMS. The LH1, LH2, LH3, RH1, RH2, LF5, and RF2 scores could also be an indicators for diagnosis of Yin-deficiency and Qi-stagnation in patients with BMS.



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