'Artificial Intelligence' Acceptability in Online Dispute Resolution: A Comparison Study of Korean Age Groups

  • Chung, Yongkyun (Department of International Trade and Business, Kangwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2020.08.20
  • 심사 : 2020.08.31
  • 발행 : 2020.09.01


The worldwide diffusion of COVID-19 contributes to electronic commerce all over the world. The proliferation of high volume and small value electronic commerce naturally has combined artificial intelligence with online dispute resolution (ODR). This paper investigates the age effect on Artificial Intelligence acceptability in online dispute resolution and its empirical findings are as follows. First, seven measures out of the nine employed in this case study shows a coherent dynamic pattern over the age spectrum. In other words, the total samples are a heterogenous group rather than a homogeneous one. Second, medium answer occupies a non-negligible portion across answers from nine research questions. It seems to indicate that a considerable portion of Korean respondents are hesitant to make a choice on artificial intelligence at this juncture. Third, all of the respondents agree that the introduction of AI to the dispute resolution could contribute to the hastening of the dispute resolution process. Fourth, most of the respondents agree that artificial intelligence might have the cognitive ability but not the sympathetic or affective ability to handle the electronic commerce disputes.



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