《白鹿原》與《太白山脈》叙事策略比較硏究 -以人物形象和敘事策略爲中-

  • Received : 2020.10.30
  • Accepted : 2020.12.14
  • Published : 2020.12.30


If 《Bailuyuan》 is a piece that reflects the trend of changing Chinese contemporary literature after the 1990 reform and the opening up of socialism, 《Taebaek Mountain》 is a literary masterpiece that shows the peak of the people and coincided with subject controversy in the 1980s. These two pieces of literature were based on a common experience swayed by the encroachment of Japanese imperialism, and they became best sellers in Korean and Chinese literary circles in the 1980s and 1990s. Based on their similarities, this paper focused on and took a closer look at character modeling in the two texts. In these books, the investigators also discuss how the main characters of Bailuyuan and Taebaek Mountain are portrayed, and how this portrayal strategically works to realize the theme of the text as well as the literary significance, value, and expected effects of the comparison between these two pieces of literary work.





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