Study on terahertz (THz) photoconversion technology based on hyperfine energy-level splitting of Positronium (Ps) generated from relativistic electron beams

  • Sun-Hong Min (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Chawon Park (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Ilsung Cho (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Minho Kim (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Sukhwal Ma (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Won Taek Hwang (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Kyeong Min Kim (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Seungwoo Park (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Min Young Lee (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Eun Ju Kim (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Kyo Chul Lee (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Yong Jin Lee (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) ;
  • Bong Hwan Hong (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences)
  • 투고 : 2020.12.17
  • 심사 : 2020.12.29
  • 발행 : 2020.12.31


In the state of Positronium (Ps), which is an unstable material created by the temporary combination of electrons and positrons, the imaging technology through photo-conversion methodology is emerging as a new research theme under resonance conditions through terahertz electromagnetic waves. Normally, Positronium can be observed in the positron emission computed tomography (PET) process when an unstable, separate state that remains after the pair annihilation of an electron and a positron remains. In this study, terahertz (THz) waves and Cherenkov radiation (CR) are generated using the principle of ponderomotive force in the plasma wake-field acceleration, and electrons and positrons are simultaneously generated by using a relativistic electron beam without using a PET device. We confirm the possibility of Positronium photoconversion technology in terahertz electromagnetic resonance conditions through experimental studies that generate an unstable state. Here, a relativistic electron beam (REB) energy of 0.5 MeV (γ=2) was used, and the terahertz wave frequencies is G-band. Meanwhile, a THz wave mode converting three-stepped axicon lens was used to apply the photoconversion technology. Through this, light emission in the form of a luminescence-converted Bessel beam can be verified. In the future, it can be used complementarily with PET in nuclear medicine in the field of medical imaging.



This study was also supported by a grant of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS), funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), Republic of Korea. (No. 50532-2020, 50537-2020)


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