The Relationship between the Migration of the Young Generation and Housing Policy: Focused on the Seoul Metropolitan Area

청년층의 인구이동과 주택정책의 관련성에 관한 연구: 수도권을 중심으로

  • Received : 2020.02.13
  • Accepted : 2020.04.01
  • Published : 2020.04.30


This study examined the population movement of the young generation in accordance with the characteristics of housing market focusing on the housing problem of youth issues. Targeting 64 local governments in the seoul metropolitan area, the temporal range was decided as 2015. Setting up the rising population in 19-34 as a dependent variable, supposing that each age group shows different characteristics, it was divided into age groups in 19~34, 19~29, and 25~34. The population movement of the young generation in accordance with the characteristics of housing market was considered through the multiple regression analysis. In the results, the population movement of the young generation was influenced by the change in detached multi-family housing and the rate of housing supply. The increase of detached multi-family housing promoted the population inflow of the young generation while the population movement of the young generation was disturbed by the rising rate of housing supply. Also, when the local characteristics are not controlled, the young generation hesitates to enter the region where relatively high rent should be paid while the new housing supply focusing on apartment is hard to be selected by the young generation for residence because of the size and price. The population movement of the young generation looked quite different in each age group. The population inflow of the young generation in 19~29 was influenced when there were many officetels and non-apartments on top of detached multi-family housing. On the contrary, the population movement of the young generation in 25~34 was significantly influenced by the increase of the whole size of completed apartment area. Even though it was not the research subject of this study, among control variables, the financial independence and daily average number of get-on/off had effects on the movement of the young generation. It means that the housing type preferred by college students and social novices is different from the housing type preferred by the group with experiences in marriage and childbirth within the same young generation. Thus, it would be necessary to divide the purposes of policies for each subject when executing the youth housing policies.



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