神人調化或神人調和 - 以大巡真理會和召會的論述為比較 -

Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings or the Blending of God and Man: A Comparison between Daesoon Jinrihoe and the Local Church

  • 范俊銘 (臺灣 政治大學宗教所) ;
  • 姚蘊慧 (臺灣 文化大學中山與中國大陸研究所)
  • Fan, Chun-Ming (Institute of Religious Studies, National Chengchi University) ;
  • Yao, Yun-Hui (Graduate Institute of National Development and Mainland China, Chinese Culture University)
  • 투고 : 2020.02.28
  • 심사 : 2020.08.01
  • 발행 : 2020.08.31


大巡真理會以《典經》為主體, 闡述神與人的思維於教義之中, 含括神聖性, 宗教性與教義性等探討價值 ; 神與人的傳統意義, 經由《典經》的詮釋, 超越倫理性, 傳統性和社會性, 跨越世俗性的終極關懷。從《典經》的角度分析, 有助於了解大巡真理會的宗旨, 組織的推行方針與未來走向。召會以《聖經》為主體, 將神與人的關連, 作為經歷神聖生命與性情的植入, 而與人的生命與性情調和 ; 神聖的生命是一直不斷地與人的生命調和, 並使之成為神聖的人, 或可稱為屬人的神聖者。此即「神人」的原因, 使人的生命成為神人的生命, 生活是神性調著人性, 作為外顯的行事為人, 性格與生活 ; 因此, 「神人調和」的說法, 作為神與人的關係詮釋, 專注於神與人之間的神聖關連, 從而延伸至召會的範圍。大巡真理會與召會, 代表著歷史, 文化, 語言, 宗教等不同的分野, 卻在神與人的超然解釋上, 各自提出「神人調化」, 「神人調和」等見解 ; 二者可尋覓出論點上的類似點和相異觀, 作為探究的區分與貢獻。

Daesoon Jinrihoe makes use of The Canonical Scripture as the main body to explain their thinking regarding divine beings and humankind as it relates to doctrine, sacredness, religiousness and other such contents. The traditional meaning of divine beings and humankind through the interpretation of The Canonical Scripture, transcends ethics, tradition, sociality, and the ultimate concern of secularity. The analysis from the perspective of The Canonical Scripture can help readers to understand the purpose of Daesoon Jinrihoe's implementation of its policies and their future direction. The local church takes the Bible as its main body and connects God with man as an implantation of divine life and temperament that harmonizes itself with human life and nature. The divine life is constantly reconciled with one's human life to make one a holy person, or a humanistic diviner. This is the rationale of the 'God-Man,' those whose human lives become lives of God-men. This style of living enables divine nature to mingle with human nature as an explicit behavioral act, mode of character development, and lifestyle. Therefore, the expression "the Blending of God and man" is an interpretation of the relationship between God and man which focuses on their sacred connection. Engagement in this extends to the scope of the local church. The different divisions between Daesoon Jinrihoe and the local church appear on the basis of things such as history, culture, language, and religion, but both posit a theology of "Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings" and "the Blending of God and man" according to a transcendent interpretation of God and man. Through dialogue, they can discover similarities and differences in this shared notion with both systems of theological thought.



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