The Relationship between Rafter Configuration and Dory Arrangement of 7-Dories Buildings in Late Joseon Dynasty

조선 후기 7량 목조건물의 서까래 구성과 도리 배열 상관성 연구

  • Received : 2020.08.21
  • Accepted : 2020.10.28
  • Published : 2020.12.31


This research is conducted focusing on the 7-Dories type wooden buildings showing different rafter installation. This research found the reason why the rafter configuration look different each other and the relationship the between rafters and the Dory. Factors were compared to determine why the rafter configuration show the formal differentiation. The comparison factors are as follows: 1. The type of rafter installation is related to the longitudinal length of the building. 2. The type of rafter installation is related to the number of Kans on the side of the building and is proportionate. 3. The type of rafter configuration is related to the Dory arrangement and is proportionate. 4. The type of rafter configuration is related to the Dory's vertical arrangement. If the Dory arrangement is small, it is identified as two-stage rafter configuration. And if the Dory arrangement is large, it is identified as three-stage rafter configuration. Eventually, it was confirmed that the rafter configuration were affected by the Dory arrangement.



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