줌의 보안 취약점 분석과 보안 업데이트 결과 비교

Comparing Zoom's Security Analysis and Security Update Results

  • 김규형 (인제대학교 컴퓨터공학과, 영어영문학과) ;
  • 최윤성 (인제대학교 AI융합대학 산업보안전공)
  • 투고 : 2020.11.25
  • 심사 : 2020.12.15
  • 발행 : 2020.12.30


As corona began to spread around the world, it had such a big impact on many people's lives that the word "Untact Culture" was born. Among them, non-face-to-face meetings naturally became a daily routine as educational institutions and many domestic and foreign companies used video conferencing service platforms. Among many video conferencing service platforms, Zoom, the company with the largest number of downloads, caused many security issues and caused many concerns about Zoom's security. In this paper, Zoom's security problems and vulnerabilities were classified into five categories, and Zoom's latest update to solve those problems and the 90-day security planning project were compared and analyzed. And the problem was solved and classified as unresolved. Three of the five parts have been resolved but are still described as how they should be resolved and improved in the future for the two remaining parts.



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