경산 대임공공주택지구의 대토보상결과를 통해 살펴본 대토보상제도 문제점과 개선방안 연구

The Impact of the Land Compensation Act to the Outcome of Land Compensation: a Case Study of Gyeongsan DAEIM Public Housing District

  • 박창률 ;
  • 박정준 (대구가톨릭대학교 사회적경제경영대학원, 부동산법학과) ;
  • 손순금 (한국토지주택공사 경기지역본부)
  • 투고 : 2020.11.08
  • 심사 : 2020.12.13
  • 발행 : 2020.12.30


This study explores the outcome of the current Land Compensation Act for the indigenous residents of DAEIM Public Development Project Zone in Gyeongsan City. The purpose of the law is to return part of the development gains to the native residents and to support the re-settlement of the native residents. As the Land Compensation Act applies to each area with different standards, the monetary terms of land compensation which the native residents eventually receive varies across the region and development sites. That means the development gain is not fairly shared with the native residents of the redevelopment area and it does not necessarily support the settlement of the existing residents. It is supposed that the actual compensation for the native residents should be in full cash value but it is not in reality. The study demonstrates the outcomes of the land compensation that the residents received are far from the original purpose of the Compensation Act using the case example of DAEIM Public Development Zone in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbukdo. Only a small proportion of the natives managed to achieve the development gains. Accordingly the majority of the native residents has lost re-settlement opportunity. It suggests that the Compensation Act and the implementation procedure should be reviewed and revised accordingly. The details of compensation plan should be tested and set up in line with the characteristics of the project area. In particular, the compensation details in terms of the size and types of land, average value of land for indigenous residents receive, and the amount of compensation per household should be clearly demonstrated to the resident.



본 논문은 경북 경산대임 공공주택 지구에 토지가 수용된 원주민의 대토보상의견을 상담하는 과정에서 개인정보(보상금의 규모와 금융권대출 등)를 제공받아 작성되었고 특히 개인 사유재산의 규모까지 공개하면서 부동산 투자방향에 대한 상담결과 대부분 점포 겸용단독주택용지를 희망하였으나 LH공사 대구경북지역본부의 공급여건상 점포 겸용단독주택용지가 공급되지 못한 점에 아쉬움의 위로 말씀을 드리고 개인정보제공에 깊은 감사의 인사를 드립니다.


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