Technology Trend for Particle Matter Reduction

미세먼지 저감 기술 동향

  • Published : 2019.04.01


In this article, we introduce examples and technologies relating to particulate matter (PM) reduction technology, for the purpose of reducing PM that harms health and affects the entire industry such as dust-sensitive semiconductor industry. First, the definition of PM and how it is generated is explained, including its effects on the human body. In addition, various methods for measuring PM are described, including examples of the restrictions on the operation of polluting vehicles and emission reduction devices. Finally, we describe techniques relating to the reduction and forecasting of PM.


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<표 4> 국제암연구소의 발암물질

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(그림 2) 미세먼지 저감장치

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(그림 3) 베타선 흡수법(β-ray Absorption Method)

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(그림 4) 중량농도법

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(그림 5) 개념도

<표 1> 미세먼지와 초미세먼지 크기

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<표 2> 미세먼지 구성 성분

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<표 3> PM2.5와 PM10의 배출원과 배출량

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(그림 1) 미세먼지의 인체 영향

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<표 5> 외국의 LEZ 사례

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<표 7> 미세먼지의 측정 기술

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<표 6> 미세먼지의 세계보건기구(WHO) 권고기준

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