Trends of Intelligent Public Safety Service Technologies

지능형 치안 서비스 기술 동향

  • Published : 2019.02.01


As society develops, the demand for safety and security services increases. Developed nations such as the United States use advanced technology to lower crime rate and promote intelligent security services. First, this article examines intelligent systems that are used for monitoring and detecting crimes and dangerous situations. Recently, we have been studying technologies that enable preemptive responses through prediction of crime and hazardous situations. In this paper, we examine the cases of security services based on a crime/risk prediction model and explain the structure and major technologies of an intelligent security system. In addition, we propose a direction for technological development for achieving future security services.


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(그림 1) NGI 시스템 구조

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(그림 2) 샷-스포터 서비스 화면

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(그림 3) 크라임매핑 서비스 화면


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