GloSea5 북반구 대기 원격상관패턴의 1~6주 주별 예측성능 검증

Predictability of Northern Hemisphere Teleconnection Patterns in GloSea5 Hindcast Experiments up to 6 Weeks

  • 김도경 (이화여자대학교 기후.에너지시스템공학과) ;
  • 김영하 (이화여자대학교 국지재해기상예측기술센터) ;
  • 유창현 (이화여자대학교 기후.에너지시스템공학과)
  • Kim, Do-Kyoung (Department of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Ha (Severe Storm Research Center, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Yoo, Changhyun (Department of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering, Ewha Womans University)
  • 투고 : 2019.05.13
  • 심사 : 2019.07.21
  • 발행 : 2019.09.30


Due to frequent occurrence of abnormal weather, the need to improve the accuracy of subseasonal prediction has increased. Here we analyze the performance of weekly predictions out to 6 weeks by GloSea5 climate model. The performance in circulation field from January 1991 to December 2010 is first analyzed at each grid point using the 500-hPa geopotential height. The anomaly correlation coefficient and mean-square skill score, calculated each week against the ECWMF ERA-Interim reanalysis data, illustrate better prediction skills regionally in the tropics and over the ocean and seasonally during winter. Secondly, we evaluate the predictability of 7 major teleconnection patterns in the Northern Hemisphere: North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), East Atlantic (EA), East Atlantic/Western Russia (EAWR), Scandinavia (SCAND), Polar/Eurasia (PE), West Pacific (WP), Pacific-North American (PNA). Skillful predictability of the patterns turns out to be approximately 1~2 weeks. During summer, the EAWR and SCAND, which exhibit a wave pattern propagating over Eurasia, show a considerably lower skill than the other 5 patterns, while in winter, the WP and PNA, occurring in the Pacific region, maintain the skill up to 2 weeks. To account for the model's bias in reproducing the teleconnection patterns, we measure the similarity between the teleconnection patterns obtained in each lead time. In January, the model's teleconnection pattern remains similar until lead time 3, while a sharp decrease of similarity can be seen from lead time 2 in July.



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