Case Report of Hypertension Patient by Community Health Practitioner

보건진료소의 고혈압 환자 간호사례

  • Received : 2019.05.24
  • Accepted : 2019.06.19
  • Published : 2019.06.30


Purpose: This study was done to describe a community health practitioner's nursing case study for a hypertension patient. Methods: For this purpose, data were collected through interviews and nursing records. The nursing process was carried out from January to March in 2019. Results: For this patient, blood pressure was checked 5 times and total cholesterol test was performed 5 times over 41 consultations. Even though the patient was 84 years old, he was very interested in health. When the blood pressure and cholesterol level measured by community health practitioner were high, he was embarrassed by the recommendation to get a hospital checkup. After referral to a medical clinic and hospital, he was satisfied with the results of the tests and medical treatment, and constantly practiced daily walking exercise. Conclusion: It is very important for community health practitioners to assess patient symptoms correctly and refer the patient timely to manage complications.


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그림 1. 고혈압 진료의뢰서.

표 1. 진료 의뢰 전 간호

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표 2. 진료 의뢰 후 간호

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Cited by

  1. 보건진료소의 관할 지역 건강조사 사례 vol.14, pp.2, 2019,