A Social Network Analysis on the Common Initiative for the Electronic Government Law: Focusing on the Ruling Party and Seniority Effect

  • Lee, Hun-Hee (Korea Institute for Policy and Management) ;
  • Han, Sang-Ik (The Presidential Commission on Policy Planning)
  • Received : 2019.03.28
  • Accepted : 2019.06.18
  • Published : 2019.06.28


This study aimed to investigate the political system related to the Electronic Government Law by analyzing the process of the common initiative of the law. To achieve the goal, this study applied the method of social analysis and sugessted the proper role of the assembly for realizing the electronic government and its control. The data were gathered from the bill information service of the national assembly. Netminer 4.0 was used for refining and analyzing data. The results are as follows. First, by analyzing three centrality(degree, betweenness, and eigenvector) of assembly member, the network effect of the powered party and reelected members were revealed as strong in the network. Second, through the component analysis, 5 sub-network has shown in total. The sub-networks showed two distinctive difference between two big parties. By the difference, members in two parties showed different characteristics in constituting communities and the effect of the powered party revealed as strong and clear. Based on the result, this study demonstrated the necessity of social solidarity rather than solipsism in committing common initiative. And a chronological research is need to anlayze $18^{th}$ and $19^{th}$ assembly to verify the effect of the powered party in prospect study.


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Fig.1. The Network of Assembly Members on Electronic Government Law

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Fig. 2. The Components of Assembly Members on Electronic Government Law

Table 1. Basic Facts of 20th National Assembly

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Table 2. List of Initiatives on Electronic Government Law(9 Cases)

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Table 3. Centralities of the Network on Electronic Government Law

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