Research on the Factors Affecting the Willingness to Pay for Digital Music

  • Zhou, Yan (School of Anshan Normal University)
  • Received : 2019.05.30
  • Accepted : 2019.06.21
  • Published : 2019.06.28


Based on the theory of planned behavior and the theory of legal deterrence, this study takes consumers' willingness to pay for digital music as the research object, investigates the consumers who have digital music consumption channels and behaviors, and discusses the willingness of consumers to pay for digital music and its influencing factors. The study attempts to achieve the following research purposes: First, explore the influencing factors of willingness to pay for digital music using domestic and foreign literature research and related content analysis. Second, we want to examine the effect of Attitude, Collective Specifications, Quality Sensitivity and Music affinity on willingness to pay. Third, Legal deterrence and resource availability tries to verify whether there is a moderating effect between Attitude, Collective Specifications, Quality Sensitivity and Music affinity and willingness to pay. The research data was collected in 2019 between April 6th to May 8th. Questionnaires were randomly distributed in fixed places, mainly in Hubei Province, China. A total of 393 questionnaires were selected for data analysis. Based on the previous theoretical review and empirical analysis, the study draws the following conclusions: Firstly, attitude, collective specifications, quality sensitivity and music affinity have an impact on the willingness to pay. Second, Legal deterrence has a regulatory effect on the relationship among quality sensitivity, musical affinity and the willingness to pay. Last the resource availability has a significant impact on the willingness to pay. It also has a regulatory effect on the relationship among quality sensitivity, music affinity and the willingness to pay.


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Fig. 1. Research model

Table 1. Exploratory Factor Analysis of Measured Variable

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Table 2. Regression Analysis on Moderating Effects of Legal Deterrence

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Table 3. Regression Analysis on Moderating Effects of Resource Acquisition Difficulty

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