A Computer Vision-Based Banknote Recognition System for the Blind with an Accuracy of 98% on Smartphone Videos

  • Received : 2019.04.23
  • Accepted : 2019.05.29
  • Published : 2019.06.28


This paper proposes a computer vision-based banknote recognition system intended to assist the blind. This system is robust and fast in recognizing banknotes on videos recorded with a smartphone on real-life scenarios. To reduce the computation time and enable a robust recognition in cluttered environments, this study segments the banknote candidate area from the background utilizing a technique called Pixel-Based Adaptive Segmenter (PBAS). The Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) interest point detector is used, and SURF feature vectors are computed only when sufficient interest points are found. The proposed algorithm achieves a recognition accuracy of 98%, a 100% true recognition rate and a 0% false recognition rate. Although Korean banknotes are used as a working example, the proposed system can be applied to recognize other countries' banknotes.


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Fig. 1. A conceptual schematic of the banknote recognition system

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Fig. 2. Reference regions on Korean banknotes indicated by red boxes

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Fig. 3. Sample frames from the video test dataset

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Fig. 4. Input video frame (left) and it’s corresponding foreground binary matrix (right)

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Fig. 5. Rejection of SURF descriptor false matches. (a) SURF descriptor matches (b) After applying a 2-KNN ratio test (0.6) (c) After discarding matches with Euclidean distance > 0.2 (d) After discarding features with more than 1 match

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Fig. 6. Descriptor matches during a video sequence showing the front of a Chon-won (₩1000) banknote

Table 1. Video test dataset used in the experiments

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Table 2. Banknote recognition results

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