Fig. 1. The connection structure of composite function in a dense block
Fig. 2. The overall architecture of DenseNet with four blocks
Fig. 3. The overall architecture of the based on the attention model 3D dense convolutional network (ADD-Net). We are based on a 3D dense convolutional network and modify the original network to add our attention model. In the attention model, we use an efficient attention mechanism based on a combination of channel and space attention
Fig. 4. Channel attention module
Fig. 5. Spatial attention module
Fig. 6. Examples of attention. (Best viewed in color.) A frame from a video of action in UCF101. The top is the original image, spatial attention is shown as heatmap (Blue bounding boxes represent ground truth while the red ones are predictions from our learned spatial attention) in the bottom row. a: walking with dog, b: biking, c: long jump, d: skate boarding, e: rope climbing.
Table 1. Exploration of ADD-Net(ours) and other 3D ConvNets on the UCF-101 dataset (split1)
Table 2. Accuracy (%) performance comparison of our method with other methods over all three splits of UCF101 and HMDB51
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