The Analysis of Trade Competitiveness for Korea-ASEAN Members in Northeast Asia's Trade Environment

동북아 무역환경에서 한국과 아세안 10개 회원국들과의 무역경쟁력 분석

  • Han, Soo-Beom (Department of Global Trade&Management, Shihan University)
  • 한수범 (신한대학교 글로벌통상경영학과)
  • Received : 2019.08.06
  • Accepted : 2019.08.20
  • Published : 2019.08.31


This study analyzes trade competitiveness by classifying the classification by item among Korea and the 10 ASEAN member countries into high level and medium-high level technology industry groups, medium level, medium-low level, and low-level technology industry groups. Before analyzing each of the 10 member states, I investigate the trade competitiveness between Korea and ASEAN, and analyze the trade competitiveness of Korea, especially among the 10 member countries, with Korea having a competitive industrial force. The study results revealed that trade with Vietnam was actively promoted, with Korea-Vietnam trade volume also growing far above that of other member states. And trade with Korea was brisk in the order of Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The analysis of the trade structure of the 10 ASEAN member states, confirmed that imports were also being made while exporting items in the high- and medium-level technology industry groups. The possibility of entering the Korean market was quite high, given that Korea imported high- and medium- and high-tech industrial forces while exporting low-tech industrial forces.



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