Evaluation of Prevention System of Falls and Committing Suicide with Application Technology of Rollinder System

추락 및 투신자살 방지시스템의 조사 및 Rollinder System 적용기술

  • Park, Sea-Man (Department of Urban Disaster Management Engineering, Kyonggi University Graduate School) ;
  • Baek, Chung-Hyun (Department of Urban Disaster Management Engineering, Kyonggi University Graduate School) ;
  • Choi, Byong-Jeong (Department of Architectural Engineering, Kyonggi University)
  • 박세만 (경기대학교 일반대학원 도시방재학과) ;
  • 백충현 (경기대학교 일반대학원 도시방재학과) ;
  • 최병정 (경기대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2019.03.12
  • Accepted : 2019.05.03
  • Published : 2019.05.31


The statistics of committing suicide in S. Korea is ranked in top with serious attempts of falling among OECD countries since 2003. The rates is slightly dropped by 5 percent point, nevertheless the falling is still high for the age of over 10 years old and this matter must be solved. Most of the case of suicides are the falling based on a trend view of falling which is serious matter and cannot be solved easily for both domestic and foreign countries. For example, the steel net of falling prevent was installed in the Golden Gate Bridge costed by 200 million-dollar. In New Zealand, the steel net of falling prevention had been removed and re-installed beccause of the high suicide rates. Canada and Australia also surrounded the bridge with steel fences to prevent suicide without consideration of the beauty of bridge. Therefore, this paper suggested a comparison study on both falling prevention systems in all countries and patent technologies. Also, it covers the blocking skills of approach in both security and limited area. This paper suggested the technical Rollinder system equipped with the mechanical apprentice to prevent effectively the falling sucides and wall passing. Before the installation of Rollinder System by 2016, there were 33 person who tried to fall in the river in Machang Bridge. However, the number of the committing suicides were dramatically reduced to zero after the installation of the system.

대한민국은 심각한 자살시도에 휘말려 2003년 이후 지금까지 OECD 회원국 가운데 자살률 통계에 있어 상위권을 차지하고 있으며, 전년 대비 -5.0% 소폭하락 했지만 여전히 사망 요인 중 10세 이상 전 연령에서 자살이 가장 높으며, 이것은 반드시 해결해야 할 매우 중요한 사안들이다. 자살 수단별 사망률의 변화추이를 살펴보면 추락 및 투신을 통한 자살이 큰 비중을 차지하고 있으며, 국내뿐만 아니라 해외에서도 이에 대한 근본적인 대책마련이 없어 쉽게 해결할 수 없는 심각한 문제로 대두되고 있다. 대표적인 예로 미국의 금문교에 최근 2억 달러를 들여 자살방지 그물망을 설치하고 있으며, 뉴질랜드의 경우 교량에 철망을 철거했다가 치솟은 자살률로 인해 디자인을 바꿔 다시 설치했으며, 캐나다와 호주의 경우도 교량에 철책을 둘러쌓아 교량의 미관을 포기한 채 투신자살만을 방지하고 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 국내 외의 자살방지 시스템과 관련된 특허기술에 대한 비교평가를 제안하고, 보안시설 및 제한구역에서의 접근차단, 특수시설에서의 월담방지와 추락 및 투신자살을 효과적으로 방지하기 위한 기계적 기술적 시스템인 롤린더 시스템을 제시하고자 한다. 마창대교는 롤린더 시스템 설치 전인 2016년 까지 8년간 33명이 자살시도를 하였으나, 2017년 롤린더 시스템 설치 후에는 자살시도의 획기적인 감축효과를 거두었다.


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Fig. 1. Domestic suicide status [1]

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Fig. 2. Rollinder System F-TYPE model

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Fig. 4. Applied to a bridge (Rollinder System B-TYPE)model

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Fig. 5. Golden gate bridge

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Fig. 6. Spring street bridge

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Fig. 7. Mapodaegyo(Br)

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Fig. 8. Munuidaegyo(Br)

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Fig. 9. Fence for preventing suicide by jumping

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Fig. 10. The preventing device of suicide for bridge rail

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Fig. 11. Fence for preventing suicide

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Fig. 12. A protective fence for bridges

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Fig. 13. A safe railing for prevention of crash bridges to have functioning toward

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Fig. 14. Guard fence and method of assembling the same

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Fig. 15. Bridge deck

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Fig. 16. Rollinder System before construction Machangdaegyo

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Fig. 17. Rollinder System before construction preliminary work

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Fig. 18. Rollinder System under construction

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Fig. 19. Rollinder System completion of construction

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Fig. 3. Rollinder System B-TYPE model

Table 1. Intentional number of self-inflicted deaths caused by jumping from a high place [1]

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Table 2. Facility limits, such as roadways and sidewalks [3]

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Table 3. Domestic and foreign intellectual property present condition

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  1. Korea Suicide Prevention Center, "Cause of death statistics" 2017, Statistical data, Korea Suicide Prevention Center, South Korea, pp.19, Available From :
  2. Lee Yeongjun, "One person in 34 minutes... Suicide republic", Available From: (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  3. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Korea, "Rules on the Structural and Facility Criteria of Roads", Available From :법령/도로의구조.시설기준에관한규칙 (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  4. Bae Duheon, "Suicide is another tragedy, a fence, a curfew of the advanced countries that contrast with Korea without counter measures", Available From : (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  5. American Galvanizers Association, "Long/Spring Street Bridge Vandal Fence", 2005, Available From : eet-bridge-vandal-fence (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  6. Yonhapnews TV, "Mapo Bridge, Bridge of Life, and Railing 1m in Seoul", Available From : (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  7. Lee Seongu, "Suicide bridge, let's take the stigma Munui Bridge Safety Rail Installation", Available From : (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  8. Korea Intellectual Property Rights Information Service, Available From : (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  9. Machang Bridge Corp, Available From : (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  10. Lee Seongjin, "Ma Chang Bridge, Prevent suicide rotating rail installation", Available From : (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  11. Choi Seunggyun, Maekyung, "The proud Ma Chang Bridge in Changwon is a suicide bridge...", Available From : 05/456456/ (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)
  12. Lee Yungi, "Suicide bridge, Dishonor Ulsan Bridge, do you have any preventive measures", Available From : (accessed Mar. 12, 2019)