The Analysis of the Risk of Vehicle Fires in Korea and the Effectiveness of Initial Fire Extinguishing

국내 자동차 관련 화재발생 위험성 분석 및 초기소화의 효과성 연구

  • Ryu, Juyeol (Research Institute of Disaster Management, Korea Soongsil Cyber University) ;
  • Lee, Changwoo (Department of Fire & Disaster Prevention, Korea Soongsil Cyber University)
  • Received : 2018.06.01
  • Accepted : 2019.03.06
  • Published : 2019.03.29


Purpose: In this study, the status and the risk of fire occurrence in domestic automobile were evaluated and the damage reduction effect by using the fire extinguishing mechanism was evaluated. Method: The analysis of the risk of the occurrence of Vehicle Fires in Korea and the damage of human and property by the use of fire extinguisher applied to fire extinguisher were investigated and analyzed. Results: The annual damage rate of the damage caused by the automobile fire is 4.74%, which shows an annual increase. As a result of the analysis of the personal injury caused by the passenger car in the car fire situation, the damage amount per 100 cases of the fire occurrence increased from 424.65 million won to 473.06 million won in the past 5 years (2012 ~ 2016). Conclusion: When fire extinguishers are used in the case of passenger Vehicle Fires, the average amount of property damage per fire occurrence is estimated to be about 307.5 million, emphasizing the importance and necessity of the initial fire fighting.

연구목적: 본 연구에서는 국내 자동차 관련 화재발생 현황 및 위험성을 평가하고 초기 소화기구의 사용에 따른 피해저감 효과에 대해 평가하였다. 연구방법: 국내 자동차 화재의 발생 빈도에 대한 위험성 분석과 화재발생시 자동차에 비치되어 있는 소화기를 사용하여 초기 소화에 적용한 사용에 따른 인적 및 재산피해를 분석하였다. 연구결과: 국내 자동차 화재 발생에 따른 건당피해액은 연평균 증감률이 4.74%이고 매년 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 자동차 화재현황 중 승용자동차에서 발생한 인명피해를 연도별 화재발생 건당 인명피해로 분석한 결과, 화재발생 100건당 재산피해액은 424.65만원에서 473.06만원으로 과거 5년간(2012년~2016년) 지속적으로 증가하는 추세를 보이고 있다. 결론: 승용자동차 화재시 소화기를 사용한 경우에는 화재발생 1건당 평균 재산피해액은 약 307.5만으로 산정되어 초기 자동차 화재에 차내에 비치된 소화기를 사용한 초기소화의 중요성과 필요성이 요구된다.


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Fig. 1. Passenger car injuries

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Fig. 2. Property damage of passenger car

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Fig. 3. Risk analysis based on frequency of car fire occurrence Personnel damage (left), Property damage (right)

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Fig. 4. Passenger car fire injuries per 100 cases (left), property damage per passenger car fire incident (right)

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Fig. 5. Use a fire extinguisher in case of total car fire (left), passenger car (right)

Table 1. Current status of car fire in recent 3 years (2014~2016)

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Table 2. Domestic Vehicle Registration Status

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Table 3. Vehicle fire incidents and damage

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Table 4. The amount of damage per car fire

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Table 5. The comparison of damage amount (2016)

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Table 6. Property damage per one passenger car fire occurrence

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  1. Consumer Insights (2017). Annual car planning survey, Automotive Reports, Date of Issu: Oct. 31, 2017.
  2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2017). Automobile registration status, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
  3. National Fire Agency (2017). National Fire Statistics, National Fire Agency.
  4. Kim, S.G. (2010). Policy Research on Automobile Fire, Master's Thesis, Hanyang University.
  5. Statistics Korea National Statistics Portal (2017). e-country index, Statistics Korea National Statistics Portal.