Fig. 1. Research Model
Table 1. Sample audience and content
Table 2. Demographic characteristics
Table 3. Reliability Analysis Results for on Restaurant Franchise’s SNS Characteristics, Favorability, Satisfaction, Revisit intention, Redelivery Intention
Table 4. Causal Relationships Between Restaurant Franchise’s SNS Characteristics and Favorability
Table 5. Causal Relationships Between Restaurant Franchise’s SNS Characteristics and Satisfaction
Table 6. A Causal Relationship between Favorability and Satisfaction
Table 7. A Causal Relationship between Favorability and Revisit Intention
Table 8. A Causal Relationship between Favorability and Redelivery Intention
Table 9. A Causal Relationship between Satisfaction and Revisit Intention
Table 10. A Causal Relationship between Satisfaction and Redelivery Intention
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