불안수준 및 일시적 유발정서가 서열정보 어휘처리에 미치는 효과

An Effect for Sequential Information Processing by the Anxiety Level and Temporary Affect Induction

  • Kim, Choong-Myung (Department of Language, Speech and Pathological Therapy, Gwangju University)
  • 투고 : 2019.01.10
  • 심사 : 2019.04.05
  • 발행 : 2019.04.30


본 연구는 불안 및 정상그룹을 대상으로 서열성을 판단하는 인지과제 수행과정에서, 유발된 배경정서와 내재된 불안 수준이 과제처리에 미치는 영향을 밝히고자 하였다. 어휘 간 관계정보 중 서열판단 과제에서의 피험자 내 변인으로 유발정서 유형(기쁨, 분노, 슬픔 및 통제) 및 인지과제 처리유형(숫자서열 및 크기서열)을, 피험자 간 변인으로는 일반 대학생 중 벡 불안척도 검사를 통해 분리된 불안여부로 설정한 후 반응시간 및 오류율의 차이를 분석하였다. 자극의 제시와 반응의 수집은 DmDx5를 활용하였다. 실험결과, 집단 간 반응의 차이가 확인되었고 불안그룹이 과제유형에 관계없이 모든 정서유발 조건에서 정상그룹에 비해 더 느린 반응시간과 더 높은 오류율을 보였다. 그리고 정서유형에 관계없이 두 서열과제에서도 지체응답 경향을 보였다. 다음으로 정서유발 및 서열과제 효과를 통해 정서 및 과제 특정적인 반응경향을 확인하였는데, 슬픔조건이 타 정서보다 빠른 반응을 보였으며, 숫자서열 조건이 크기서열 조건보다 더 빨랐다. 이는 그룹별 그리고 과제유형별 인지과제 처리경향은 물론, 수반되는 정서유형에 따른 응답경향의 차이를 확인해 줌으로써 정서-인지 관련 행동에서의 기저의 배경정서가 처리과정에 주요 요인이 될 수 있음을 시사하는 결과라 하겠다.

The current paper was conducted to unravel the influence of affect induction as a background emotion in the process of cognitive task to judge the degree of sequence in groups with or without anxiety symptoms. Four types of affect induction and two sequential task types were used as within-subject variables, and two types of college students groups classified under the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) as a between-subject variable were selected to determine reaction times involving sequential judgment among the lexical relevance information. DmDx5 was used to present a series of stimuli and elicit a response from subjects. Repeated measured ANOVA analyses revealed that reaction times and error rates were significantly larger with anxiety participants compared to the normal group regardless of affect and task types. Within-subject variable effects found that specific affect type (sorrow condition) and number-related task type showed a more rapid response compared to other affect types and magnitude-related task type, respectively. In sum, these findings confirmed the difference in tendency with reaction time and error rates that varied as a function of accompanying affect types as well as anxiety level and task types suggesting the that underlying background affect plays a major role in processing affect-cognitive association tasks.


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Fig. 1. Presentation format of each trial stimuli appeared in an experimental task (correct answer is 'no' at the upper panel and ‘yes' at the bottom panel)

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Fig. 2. Mean reaction times (ms) as a function of stimulus types and affect induction including control condition

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Fig. 3. Mean reaction times for affect types (upper graph) and task types (lower graph) as a function of anxiety level

Table 1. General characteristics for the parameter of participants

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Table 2. Mean reaction times and its SDs between stimulus task types at each affect induction condition as a function of anxiety level(num.rel.: number-related sequential task, mag.rel.:magnitude-related sequential task)

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Table 3. Repeated measured ANOVA table for between-subject variable of anxiety level and within-subject variable of task vs. affect types

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Table 4. Mean values of % errors including standard deviation in normal and anxiety group

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