Spreading of a Lorentz-Gauss Vortex Beam Propagating through Oceanic Turbulence

  • Liu, Dajun (Department of Physics, College of Science, Dalian Maritime University) ;
  • Yin, Hongming (Department of Physics, College of Science, Dalian Maritime University) ;
  • Wang, Guiqiu (Department of Physics, College of Science, Dalian Maritime University) ;
  • Wang, Yaochuan (Department of Physics, College of Science, Dalian Maritime University)
  • Received : 2017.08.28
  • Accepted : 2017.12.14
  • Published : 2019.04.25


Based on the extended Huygens-Fresnel principle, the analytical equation for a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence has been derived. The spreading properties of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence are analyzed in detail using numerical examples. The results show that a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through stronger oceanic turbulence will spread more rapidly, and the Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam with higher topological charge M will lose its initial dark center more slowly.



The propagation of laser beams through random media is a topic that has been of considerable interest for a long time, because of its connection to applications, including wireless optical communication and imaging systems [1-4]. Over the years, the evolution properties of various laser beams propagating through random media have been reported, such as a stochastic electromagnetic beam [5], radially polarized beams [6], astigmatic stochastic electromagnetic beams [7], electromagnetic vortex beams [8], Gaussian Schell-model vortex beams [9], partially coherent annular beams [10], partially coherent flat-topped vortex hollow beams [11], coherent Gaussian array beams [12-14], partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian linear array beams [15],fourth-order mutual coherence function of laser beams [16], flat-topped vortex hollow beams [17], partially coherent cylindrical vector beams [18], chirped Gaussian pulsed beams[19], partially coherent four-petal Gaussian beams [20], and partially coherent four-petal Gaussian vortex beams [21].

Recently a new beam called a Lorentz beam has been introduced, to describe the output of a laser diode [22]. Since then, the propagation properties of Lorentz and Lorentz-Gauss beams have been widely investigated. In recent years the propagation properties of Lorentz and Lorentz-Gauss beams in uniaxial crystals have been analyzed [23-26], and the propagation properties of Lorentz and Lorentz-Gauss beams in random media have been widely studied [27-32]. However, the evolution properties of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam in oceanic turbulence have not been reported. In this paper, the spreading properties of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence have been illustrated and analyzed using numerical examples.


In the Cartesian coordinate system, the optical field of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating along the z-axis at the source plane z = 0 can be written as [33]:

\(E\left(\mathbf{r}_{0}, 0\right)=\frac{w_{0 x} w_{0 y}}{\left(w_{0 x}^{2}+x_{0}^{2}\right)\left(w_{0 y}^{2}+y_{0}^{2}\right)} \exp \left(-\frac{x_{0}^{2}+y_{0}^{2}}{w_{0}^{2}}\right)\left(x_{0}+i y_{0}\right)^{M}\)       (1)

where \(\mathbf{r}_{0}=\left(x_{0}, y_{0}\right)\) is the position vector at the source plane z = 0, w0x and w0 y are the parameters related to the beam widths of the Lorentz part of the Lorentz-Gaussvortex in the x and y directions respectively, w0 is the waist width of the Gaussian part of the Lorentz-Gaussvortex beam, and M is the topological charge of the Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam. Recalling the relationship of the Lorentz distribution and Hermite-Gaussian function [33]:

\(\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{\left(x^{2}+w_{0 x}^{2}\right)\left(y^{2}+w_{0 y}^{2}\right)}=& \frac{\pi}{2 w_{0 x}^{2} w_{0 y}^{2}} \sum_{m=0}^{N} \sum_{n=0}^{N} \sigma_{2 m} \sigma_{2 n} H_{2 m}\left(\frac{x}{w_{0 x}}\right) H_{2 n}\left(\frac{y}{w_{0 y}}\right) \\ & \times \exp \left(-\frac{x^{2}}{2 w_{0 x}^{2}}-\frac{y^{2}}{2 w_{0 y}^{2}}\right) \end{aligned}\)        (2)

where N is the number of the expansion and σ2m andσ2n are the expanded coefficients, which can be found in ref [34]. As the even number 2m increases, the values ofσ2m decrease dramatically, so N will not be large in the numerical calculations. The 2mth-order Hermite polynomial H x 2m ( ) can be expressed as [35]:

\(H_{2 m}(x)=\sum_{l=0}^{m} \frac{(-1)^{l}(2 m) !}{l !(2 m-2 l) !}(2 x)^{2 m-2 l}\)       (3)

recalling the following equation [35]

\((x+i y)^{M}=\sum_{l=0}^{M} \frac{M ! i^{l}}{l !(M-l) !} x^{M-l} y^{\prime}\)       (4)

Within the framework of the paraxial approximation, the average intensity of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence at the receiver plane z can be expressed as:

\(\begin{aligned} \langle I(\mathbf{r}, z)\rangle=& \frac{k^{2}}{4 \pi^{2} z^{2}} \iiint \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} E\left(\mathbf{r}_{10}, 0\right) E^{*}\left(\mathbf{r}_{20}, 0\right) \exp \left[-\frac{i k}{2 z}\left(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_{10}\right)^{2}+\frac{i k}{2 z}\left(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_{20}\right)^{2}\right] \\ & \times\left\langle\exp \left[\psi\left(\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{r}_{10}\right)+\psi^{*}\left(\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{r}_{10}\right)\right]\right) d \mathbf{r}_{10} d \mathbf{r}_{20} \end{aligned}\)        (5)

where r =  ( x ,y) is the position vector at the output plane,\(k=2 \pi / \lambda\) is the wavenumber, and  \(\psi\left(\mathbf{r}_{0}, \mathbf{r}\right)\) is the complex phase perturbation due to the random medium. The last term in angle brackets of Eq. (5) for a Lorentz-Gaussvortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence can expressed as [5-12]:

\(\left\langle\exp \left[\psi\left(\mathbf{r}_{10}, \mathbf{r}\right)+\psi^{*}\left(\mathbf{r}_{20}, \mathbf{r}\right)\right]\right\rangle=\exp \left[-\frac{\left(\mathbf{r}_{1}-\mathbf{r}_{2}\right)^{2}}{\rho_{0}^{2}}\right]\)       (6)

where ρ0 is the coherence length of a spherical wave propa-gating in oceanic turbulence and \(\rho_{0}^{2}=3 / \pi^{2} k^{2} z \int_{0}^{\infty} d \kappa \kappa \Phi(\kappa)\) ,k is the spatial frequency. Φ(κ ) is the one-dimensional spatial power spectrum of oceanic turbulence, which can be written as:

\(\Phi(\kappa)=0.388 \times 10^{-8} \varepsilon^{-11 / 3}\left[1+2.35(\kappa \eta)^{2 / 3}\right] f\left(\kappa, \zeta, \chi_{T}\right)\)       (7)

where ε is the rate of dissipation of turbulent kineticenergy per unit mass of fluid, which may vary from \(10^{-1} m^{2} s^{-3} \text {to } 10^{-10} m^{2} s^{-3}, \eta=10^{-3}\)  being the Kolmogorovmicro (inner) scale, and

\(f\left(\kappa, \zeta, \chi_{T}\right)=\frac{\chi_{T}}{\zeta^{2}}\left[\zeta^{2} \exp \left(-A_{T} \delta\right)+\exp \left(-A_{S} \delta\right)-2 \zeta \exp \left(-A_{T S} \delta\right)\right]\)       (8)

with χr being the rate of dissipation of mean square temperature, ranging from \(10^{-4} K^{2} s^{-1} \text {to } 10^{-10} K^{2} s^{-1}, A_{T}=1.863 \times 10^{-2}\) , \(A_{S}=1.9 \times 10^{-4}, A_{T S}=9.41 \times 10^{-3}, \delta=8.284(\mathrm{K} \eta)^{4 / 3}+12.978(\mathrm{K} \eta)^{2}\) . \(\zeta\)is the relative strength of temperature and salinity fluctuations, which in ocean waters can vary from -5 to0, with a value of 0 correspondings to the case when salinity-driven turbulence prevails, and -5 the case when temperature-driven turbulence dominates.

By substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. (5) and recalling the following integral equation [34]:

\(\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} x^{n} \exp \left(-p x^{2}+2 q x\right) d x=n ! \exp \left(\frac{q^{2}}{p}\right)\left(\frac{q}{p}\right)^{n} \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{p}} \sum_{k=0}^{\frac{m}{2}} \frac{1}{k !(n-2 k) !}\left(\frac{p}{4 q^{2}}\right)^{k}\)        (9)

after some tedious calculation we can obtain

\(\begin{array}{c} I(x, y, z)=\frac{k^{2}}{4 \pi^{2} z^{2}}\left(\frac{\pi}{2 w_{0 x} w_{0 y}}\right)^{2} \sum_{m=0}^{N} \sum_{m=0}^{N} \sigma_{2 m 1} \sigma_{2 n 1} \sum_{l=0}^{M} \frac{M ! i^{n}}{l 1 !(M-l 1) !} \\ \times \sum_{m 2=0}^{N} \sum_{n=0}^{N} \sigma_{2 m 2} \sigma_{2 n 2} \sum_{l_{2=0}}^{M} \frac{M !(-i)^{12}}{12 !(M-12) !} I(x, z) I(y, z) \end{array}\)       (10)

where I  ( x, z) can be expressed a



\(a_{x 1}=\frac{1}{2 w_{0 x}^{2}}+\frac{1}{w_{0}^{2}}+\frac{1}{\rho_{0}^{2}}+\frac{i k}{2 z}\)       (12a)

\(b_{x}=\frac{1}{2 w_{0 x}^{2}}+\frac{1}{w_{0}^{2}}+\frac{1}{\rho_{0}^{2}}-\frac{i k}{2 z}-\frac{1}{a_{x}}\left(\frac{1}{\rho_{0}^{2}}\right)^{2}\)       (12b)

\(c_{x}=\frac{1}{a_{x}} \frac{1}{\rho_{0}^{2}} \frac{i k}{2 z} x-\frac{i k}{2 z} x\)       (12c)

and I  (y , z) can be expressed as



\(a_{y}=\frac{1}{2 w_{0 y}^{2}}+\frac{1}{w_{0}^{2}}+\frac{1}{\rho_{0}^{2}}+\frac{i k}{2 z}\)       (14a)

\(b_{y}=\frac{1}{2 w_{0 y}^{2}}+\frac{1}{w_{0}^{2}}+\frac{1}{\rho_{0}^{2}}-\frac{i k}{2 z}-\frac{1}{a_{y}}\left(\frac{1}{\rho_{0}^{2}}\right)^{2}\)       (14b)

\(c_{y}=\frac{1}{a_{y}} \frac{1}{\rho_{0}^{2}} \frac{i k}{2 z} y-\frac{i k}{2 z} y\)       (14c)

Equations (10)~(14) are the analytical expression at the receiver plane z for a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence; the average intensity of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence can be obtained using the derived equation.


In this section, the spreading properties of a LorentzGauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence are investigated at the receiver plane z using numerical examples. In these numerical examples, the parameters of the Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam and oceanic turbulence are set arbitrarily as 

\(\lambda=417 \mathrm{nm}, w_{0 x}=w_{0 y}=5 \mathrm{mm}, w_{0}=10 \mathrm{mm}\)\(\mathrm{M}=1, \quad \chi_{T}=10^{-8}, \quad \varepsilon=10^{-7}, \text {and } \zeta=-2.5\)

The normalized average intensity of a Lorentz-Gaussvortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence is illustrated in Figs. 1~3. In Fig. 1, the parameters are set as wox ; in Fig. 2, 0 0 15 w w mm x y = = ; and Fig. 3shows the normalized intensity of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam for various w0x and w0 y . As can be seen, a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence can retain its initial dark center similar to the source beam at short propagation distances; as the propagation distance increases, the beam loses its initial dark center and evolves into a flat-topped beam and gauss beam; and beams with different w w 0 0 x y = and w0will have different evolution properties at the same propagation distance. A Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam with smaller w w 0 0 x y = will have a smaller beam spot at the source plane and at the short propagation distances (Figs.1(a), 2(a), and 3(a)), while a beam with smaller w w 0 0 x y =will evolve into a flat-topped Gauss beam more rapidly as the propagation distance increases (Fig. 3(d)).

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FIG. 1. Normalized average intensity of a Lorentz-Gaussvortex beam with M = 1 propagating through oceanic turbulence: (a) z = 20 m, (b) z = 60 m, (c) z = 120 m, (d) z = 180 m.

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FIG. 2. Normalized average intensity of a Lorentz-Gaussvortex beam with M = 1 propagating through oceanic turbulence: (a) z = 20 m, (b) z = 60 m, (c) z = 120 m, (d) z = 180 m.

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FIG. 3. Cross section of the normalized average intensity of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence,for the different w0x and w0 y : (a) z = 20 m, (b) z = 60 m, (c) z = 120 m, (d) z = 180 m.

The influence of topological charge M on the spreading properties of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating in oceanic turbulence are given in Fig. 4. From Fig. 4(a), it can be found that a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam with larger M will have a dark center, and a beam with larger M can keep its initial dark center better than one with smaller M,as the propagation distance z increases.

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FIG. 4. Cross section of the normalized average intensity of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence,for different M: (a) z = 20 m, (b) z = 180 m.

To investigate the influence of the strength of oceanic turbulence on the spreading properties of a Lorentz-Gaussvortex beam, the normalized intensity of a beam propagating through oceanic turbulence for different Tx , ε , and ς is illustrated in Figs. 5~7 respectively. From Fig. 5, it can be found that a beam propagating through oceanic turbulence will lose its initial dark center and evolve into a Gaussbeam more rapidly with increasing oceanic parameter Tx ,as the propagation distance increases. The strength of oceanic turbulence increases as the oceanic parameter Txincreases. as the oceanic parameter ς increases, the strength of oceanic turbulence will become stronger. So, in Fig. 6it can be seen that a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam will evolve into a Gauss beam more quickly as the oceanic parameter ς increases. From Fig. 7, it can be seen that a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence with smaller ε will evolve into a Gauss beam more rapidly. Small ε indicates stronger oceanic turbulence. Thus, a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through stronger oceanic turbulence (due to the increase of oceanic parameters Tx and ς , or the decrease of oceanic parameterε ) will evolve into a Gauss beam more rapidly.


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FIG. 5. Cross section of the normalized average intensity of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam with M = 1 propagating through oceanic turbulence, for different χT : (a) z = 20 m, (b) z = 180 m.

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FIG. 6. Cross section of the normalized average intensity of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam with M = 1 propagating through oceanic turbulence, for different ς : (a) z = 60 m, (b) z = 180 m.

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FIG. 7. Cross section of the normalized average intensity of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam with M = 1 propagating through oceanic turbulence, for different ε : (a) z = 60 m, (b) z = 180 m


Based on the Huygens-Fresnel integral of beam propagation through random media, the propagation equation of a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence has been derived. The average intensity properties and spreading properties of a Lorentz-Gaussvortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence are analyzed using numerical examples. The results show that a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through oceanic turbulence can keep its initial dark center at short propagation distances, but the beam will lose its initial dark center and evolve into a Gaussian-like beam as the propagation distance z increases. It is also found that a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam with higher M has a larger dark center, and will lose its initial dark center more slowly. Finally, it is found that a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam propagating through stronger oceanic turbulence(corresponding to the increase of oceanic parameters Txand ς , or the decrease of oceanic parameter ε ) will spread faster as the propagation distance z increases. This results have potential applications in underwater laser communication using a Lorentz-Gauss vortex beam.


This work was supported by National Natural science foundation of China (11604038, 11404048, 11875096), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(3132019182, 3132019184).


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