• Kim, Youngju (Department of Mathematics Education Konkuk University) ;
  • Tan, Ser Peow (Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore)
  • Received : 2018.02.09
  • Accepted : 2019.01.24
  • Published : 2019.05.01


An ideal right-angled pentagon in hyperbolic 4-space ${\mathbb{H}}^4$ is a sequence of oriented geodesics ($L_1,{\ldots},L_5$) such that Li intersects $L_{i+1},\;i=1,\;{\ldots},\;4$, perpendicularly in ${\mathbb{H}}^4$ and the initial point of $L_1$ coincides with the endpoint of $L_5$ in the boundary at infinity ${\partial}{\mathbb{H}}^4$. We study the geometry of such pentagons and the various possible augmentations and prove identities for the associated quaternion half side lengths as well as other geometrically defined invariants of the configurations. As applications we look at two-generator groups ${\langle}A,B{\rangle}$ of isometries acting on hyperbolic 4-space such that A is parabolic, while B and AB are loxodromic.


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FIGURE 1. An ideal right-angled pentagon

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FIGURE 2. The horocycle/horosphere pair (C0, S0) assigned to the ideal vertex

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FIGURE 3. A normalized augmented ideal right-angled penta-gon (L1, Π2, L3, Π4, L5)

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FIGURE 4. An augmented ideal right-angled pentagon (L1, Π2, L3, Π4, L5) with (C0, S0)

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FIGURE 5. PLP-configurations at p01 and p50

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Figure 6. An ideal right-angled pentagon in hyperbolic 2-space

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FIGURE 7. A normalized augmented pentagon (Π1, L2, Π3, L4, Π5)

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FIGURE 8. An augmented ideal right-angled pentagon with three planes and a horocycle

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FIGURE 9. An ideal right-angled pentagon associated to a linked two-generator group in ℍ2

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FIGURE 10. D: the boundary of the fundamental domain of < I1, I3, I5> in ∂ℍ4

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FIGURE 11. The fundamental domain D' in ℝ3


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