Real-Time Generation of City Map for Games in Unity with View-dependent Refinement and Pattern Synthesis Algorithm

  • Received : 2019.02.18
  • Accepted : 2019.04.04
  • Published : 2019.04.30


In this paper, we propose an algorithm that can quickly generate and synthesize city maps in racing games. Racing games are characterized by moving a wide map rather than a fixed map, but designing and developing a wide map requires a lot of production time. This problem can be mitigated by creating a large map in the preprocessing step, but a fixed map makes the game tedious. It is also inefficient to process all the various maps in the preprocessing step. In order to solve this problem, we propose a technique to create a terrain pattern in the preprocessing process, to generate a map in real time, and to synthesize various maps randomly. In addition, we reduced unnecessary rendering computations by integrating view-dependent techniques into the proposed framework. This study was developed in Unity3D and can be used for various contents as well as racing game.


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Fig. 1. Terrain and city map used in games[4].

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Fig. 2. Texture synthesis[3].

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Fig. 3. Adaptive synthesis of distance fields[13].

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Fig. 4. Various types of prefabs.

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Fig. 5. Grid based city map generation (gray : town model, blue : cross road model, pink : street model).

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Fig. 6. City maps updated by movement of car (arrow : delete areas, red area : view-dependent area).

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Fig. 7. Blocked cases.

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Fig. 8. Init scene with random generation of road and town.

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Fig. 9. Large city map calculated during preprocessing.

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Fig. 10. City map generation with our method.

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Fig. 11. View-dependent area with virtual camera.

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Fig. 12. City map generation with our method andview-dependent method.


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