Figure 1. Locations of sampling sites for coarse woody debris (CWD) across central Korea.
Figure 2. Carbon concentration (a), nitrogen concentrations (b), and C/N ratio (c) of coarse woody debris(CWD) of Larix kaempferi (closed triangles) and Pinus rigida (open square) by decay classes from I to IV. Means with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05) between decay classes as determined by Duncan’s multiple range test (capital letters: Pinus rigida, small letters: Larix kaempferi). Significant difference between species are indicated by an asterisk. Bars indicate standard deviations.
Figure 3. Relationships between wood density (DCWD) and respiration rate of CWD (RCWD) (a, b), and between water content (WCCWD) and RCWD (c, d) for Larix kaempferi (a, c) and Pinus rigida (b, d). The different point shapes represent the decay classes of CWD.
Figure 4. Relationship between carbon concentrations and RCWD (a, b), between nitrogen concentrations and RCWD (c, d), and between C/N ratio and RCWD (e, f) of Larix kaempferi (a, c, e) and Pinus rigida (b, d, f). The different point shapes represent the decay classes of CWD.
Figure 5. Standardized coefficients (β) of density (DCWD), water content (WCCWD), carbon concentration (Carbon), nitrogen concentration (Nitrogen), and carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) for the respiration rate (RCWD) observed at decay classes of coarse woody debris (CWD) of Larix kaempfri and Pinus rigida. The standard coefficients are the estimates resulting from a multiple regression analysis and refer to how many standard deviation (SDs) a respiration rate will change per SD increase in either the factors. Note that the predictors without statistical significance (p>0.05) are not presented.
Table 1. Qualitative classification systems for coarse woody debris (CWD) into four decay classes.*
Table 2. Result from the two-way ANOVA on the effects of species and decay classes CWD on respiration rate (RCWD) and physicochemical properties (DCWD; density, WCCWD; water contents, carbon, nitrogen and C/N ratio) of CWD from Larix kaempferi and Pinus rigida. Significantly different values are bolded.
Table 3. Physical characteristics (DCWD; density, WCCWD; water contents) and respiration rate (RCWD) of coarse woody debris (CWD) samples.
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