An Empirical Study on the Operation of Cogeneration Generators for Heat Trading in Industrial Complexes

  • Kim, Jaehyun (EnergyIT Convergence Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute) ;
  • Kim, Taehyoung (EnergyIT Convergence Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute) ;
  • Park, Youngsu (EnergyIT Convergence Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute) ;
  • Ham, Kyung Sun (EnergyIT Convergence Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
  • Received : 2019.02.20
  • Accepted : 2019.03.14
  • Published : 2019.03.29


In this study, we introduce a model that satisfies energy efficiency and economical efficiency by introducing and demonstrating cogeneration generators in industrial complexes using various actual data collected at the site. The proposed model is composed of three scenarios, ie, full - time operation, scenario operated according to demand, and a fusion type. In this study, the power generation profit and surplus thermal energy are measured according to the operation of the generator, and the thermal energy is traded according to the demand of the customer to calculate the profit and loss including the heat and evaluate the economic efficiency. As a result of the study, it is relatively profitable to reduce the generation of the generator under the condition that the electricity rate is low and the gas rate is high, while the basic charge is not increased. On the contrary, if the electricity rate is high and the gas rate is low, The more you start up, the more profit you can see. These results show that even a cogeneration power plant with a low economic efficiency due to a low "spark spread" has sufficient economic value if it can sell more than a certain amount of heat energy from a nearby customer and adjust the applied power through peak management.


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Fig. 1. Basic charge applied power

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Fig. 2. Graph of power consumption by time

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Fig. 3. Graph of gas usage by time of day

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Fig. 4. Seasonal Gas Distribution

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Fig. 5. Demonstration site concept map

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Fig. 6. Seasonal Heat Capacity Graph

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Fig. 7. Heating consumption (winter season)

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Fig. 8. Graph of gas consumption per day

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Fig. 9. Monthly Operating Time Graph

Table 1. Power Plan

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Table 2. Gas Plan

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Table 3. Spark Spread(Unit: KRW)

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Table 4. Monthly profit and loss (Unit: KRW 1,000)

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Table 5. Monthly profit/loss by operating scenario (unit: KRW 1,000)

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