Fig. 1. Map showing the sampling stations in estuaries of Han, Geum and Nakdong Rivers around the Korean coasts.
Fig. 3. Seasonal variations of a number of species, abundance, biomass and species diversity of macrozoobenthos from Han,Geum and Nakdong Rivers estuaries.
Fig. 4. Box plots for spatial distribution of a number of species, abundance, biomass and species diversity of macrozoobenthos from Han River estuary.
Fig. 5. Box plots for spatial distribution of a number of species, abundance, biomass and species diversity of macrozoobenthos from Geum River estuary.
Fig. 6. Box plots for spatial distribution of a number of species, abundance, biomass and species diversity of macrozoobenthos from Nakdong River estuary.
Fig. 7. Seasonal variations of abundances of dominant macrobenthic species from Han, Geum and Nakdong Rivers estuaries.
Fig. 8. Distribution of station groups based on the cluster analysis of species composition and abundance of macrozoobenthos in Han River estuary, from February 2015 to November 2017.
Fig. 9. Distribution of station groups based on the cluster analysis of species composition and abundance of macrozoobenthiccommunity in Geum River estuary, from February 2015 to November 2017.
Fig. 10. Distribution of station groups based on the cluster analysis of species composition and abundance of macrozoobenthos in Nakdong River estuary, from February 2015 to November 2017.
Fig. 2. Variation of salinity on the bottom water and mean phi of the surface sediments in the sampling stations of Han, Geum and Nakdong Rivers estuaries.
Table 1. Sampling month of macrozoobentos in the study area, from February 2015 to November 2017
Table 2. The taxonomic composition of number of species, density, biomass and species diversity (H') in macrozoobenthic community of three major estuaries in Korea, data pooled from February 2015 to November 2017
Table 3. Abundance of dominant macrozoobenthic species in the three major estuaries of Korea, data pooled from February 2015 to November 2017
Table 4. Environmental and ecological characteristics in various station groups from Han, Geum and Nakdong Rivers
Table 5. Relationship between environmental variables and macrozoobenthic assemblage data using BIOENV analysis with environmental variables best explaining the faunal pattern. Resulting values are weighted Spearman rank correlation coefficient (r). Bold values represent the highest correlation value for the best explanatory variables
Table 6. Spearman's correlation coefficient between benthic habitat conditions and community parameters and the abundance of dominant species
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