Figure 2.1. Histogram of each response variable.
Figure 2.2. Yearly average of each response variable.
Figure 2.3. Monthly average of each response variable.
Figure 2.4. Response variable vs. Quantile of duration.
Figure 2.5. Response variable vs. Number of subway lines.
Figure 2.6. Response variable vs. Number of exits.
Figure 3.1. Location of subway stations by group.
Figure 3.2. Monthly average of each response variable by group.
Figure 3.3. Yearly average of each response variable by group.
Figure 3.4. Usage area proportion within a radius of 500m around the station.
Figure 3.5. Partial dependence plot of all stations (Model 1).
Table 2.1. Number of subway stations by the number of subway lines
Table 2.2. Description of variables
Table 3.1. Average of predictor by group
Table 3.2. Test root mean squared error of each model using 10-fold cross validation (Model 1)
Table 3.3. Test root mean squared error of each model using 10-fold cross validation (Model 2)
Table 3.4. Test root mean squared error of each group (Model 1)
Table 3.5. Test root mean squared error of each group (Model 2)
Table 3.6. Predicted number of passengers at 8 new stations (2018)
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