리튬이차전지와 슈퍼커패시터로 구성된 하이브리드 셀의 전기화학적 특성

Electrochemical Characteristics of Hybrid Cell Consisting of Li Secondary Battery and Supercapacitor

  • 김상길 ((주)비츠로셀) ;
  • 길보민 (호서대학교 일반대학원 그린에너지공학과) ;
  • 황갑진 (호서대학교 일반대학원 그린에너지공학과) ;
  • 유철휘 (호서대학교 일반대학원 그린에너지공학과)
  • KIM1, SANGGIL (Vitzro Cell) ;
  • GIL, BOMIN (Department of Green Energy Engineering, Graduate School, Hoseo University) ;
  • HWANG, GABJIN (Department of Green Energy Engineering, Graduate School, Hoseo University) ;
  • RYU, CHEOLHWI (Department of Green Energy Engineering, Graduate School, Hoseo University)
  • 투고 : 2019.02.08
  • 심사 : 2019.02.28
  • 발행 : 2019.02.28


This study investigates the electrochemical characteristics of the hybrid cell that combined the advantageous characteristics of Li secondary battery and supercapacitor, high energy density and high power density, respectively. Electrochemical behaviors of the hybrid cell was characterized by charge/discharge, cycle and impedance tests. The hybrid cell using Li secondary battery and supercapacitor had better discharge capacity and cycle performance than that of using Li secondary battery only. Proper design of such a hybrid cell system is expected to result in substantial benefits to the well being of the Li secondary battery. The hybrid cell involving Li secondary battery for high energy density and supercapacitor for high power density may be the possible solution for future energy storage system.


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Fig. 1. Charge/Discharge test schedule of the LiB only and hy-brid cell under accelerated degradation test

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Fig. 2. Discharge profile of the LiB only and hybrid cell with 0.5 C-rate

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Fig. 3. Discharge profile of the LiB only and hybrid cell with 2.0 C-rate

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Fig. 4. Cycle characteristics of the LiB only (a) and hybrid cell (b) under accelerated degradation test

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Fig. 5. Cycle characteristics of the LiB only (a) and hybrid cell (b) under accelerated degradation test

Table. 1. Specification of Li secondary battery and supercapacitor

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Table. 2. Discharge capacity of Li secondary battery and hybrid cell with various C-rate

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