Table 1. Final measurement variable
Table 2. Knowledge preference survey result
Table 3. t-test result of research hypothesis
Table 4. Group statistical analysis results
Table 5. Weights analysis result by pair comparison
Table 6. Category setting for interpretation of 5-point scale results
Table 7. Knowledge preference survey result
Table 8. Think about the importance of classics(古典)
Table 9. The idea that the knowledge information system raises the knowledge level
Table 10. Thinking experience of knowledge preference
Table 11. Memory degradation due to smart phone
Table 12. T-test analysis between male and female groups
Table 13. t-test result of research hypothesis
Table 14. Group statistical analysis results
Table 15. Independent sample t-test of knowledge utilization effectiveness
Table 16. Effectiveness of knowledge utilization statistic analysis result
Table 17. Independent sample t-test of knowledge creativity
Table 18. Knowledge creativity statistical analysis result
Table 19. 4-perspectives of knowledge acquisition and utilization
Table 20. Weights analysis result by pair comparison
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