Influence of Competitor and Customer Orientation on Marketing Performance through IT Competence in Chinese SMEs

  • Yu, Jiatong (Cooperative Dept. of Techno-Management, Dongguk University) ;
  • Moon, Tae-Soo (School of Management, Dongguk University)
  • 투고 : 2019.10.29
  • 심사 : 2019.11.26
  • 발행 : 2019.12.31


Purpose This study examines the roles of firm-level IT competence in the relationship between marketing orientation and marketing performance in the context of Chinese SMEs. To achieve this goal, this study presents and empirically tests a model of how competitor orientation and customer orientation can be exploited to positively influence marketing performance through IT competence. Design/methodology/approach The competitor orientation and customer orientation are based on the market orientation construct developed by Trainor et al. (2011). IT competence re based on the market orientation construct developed by Reitz et al. 2018) and the marketing performance are based on the performance construct developed by Hooley et al., (2005). To complete the investigation, we conducted a survey in China from February 2019 to April 2019. Randomly contacted 150 Chinese SMEs, including SMEs of all sizes and types. To test our hypotheses, partial least squares (PLS) method was employed. Findings The findings indicate that customer orientation is antecedent to IT competence, while competitor orientation has no significant relationship with IT competence. This study provides a better understanding of the connection between IT competence and firm performance. So companies should focus on shaping customer-oriented culture and training IT competence.



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