Fig. 1. Adult, male: A, male; B, wing venation; C, antenna; D, head, front; E, ditto, lateral aspect; F, legs; G, forewing scales; H, hindwing scales.
Fig. 2. Adult, female: A, lateral aspect; B, ventral aspect; C, dorsal aspect; D, head and thorax, lateral aspect; E, head, front; F, 8 to 10thsegments (genitalia); G, legs.
Fig. 3. Male genitalia: A, dorso-ventral aspect; B, dorsum, dorsal aspect; C, 8th abdominal segment; D, lateral aspect.
Fig. 4. Larva: A, head, front; B, thorax and abdomen, lateral aspect (T: thorax; A: abdomen); C, head and thoracic legs, dorso-ventral aspect (A: anterior setae; C: clypeal setae; F:frontal setae); D, labrum and mandible (L: lateral setae; M: mandibular setae); E, 3 to 6th abdominal segments; F, 6 to 10th abdominal segments; G, abdominal proleg; H, ditto, lateral aspect; I, spiracle; J, ditto, close-up; K, seta; L, setae, close-up.
Fig. 5. Pupae: A, male, lateral aspect; B, ditto, ventral aspect (mx.p.: maxillary palps; mx.: maxillae); C, ditto, dorsal aspect; D, female, lateral aspect (T: thorax; A: abdomen); E, ditto, ventral aspect; F, ditto, dorsal aspect.
Fig. 6. Parthenogenetic individual: A, pupal case of female; B, first instar larva, dead condition; C, first instar larvae, hatch from eggs; D, larva and larval case.
Fig. 7. Feeding habits of N. fuscescens: A, feeding on lawn grass (lat. 33.96399722, long. 126.2879); B, ditto: C, larvae of N. fuscescens; D, ditto, close-up.
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