Sign Language Image Recognition System Using Artificial Neural Network

  • Kim, Hyung-Hoon (Dept. of Cosmetic Science, Kwangju Womens University) ;
  • Cho, Jeong-Ran (Dept. of Health Administration, Kwangju Womens University)
  • Received : 2019.01.11
  • Accepted : 2019.02.12
  • Published : 2019.02.28


Hearing impaired people are living in a voice culture area, but due to the difficulty of communicating with normal people using sign language, many people experience discomfort in daily life and social life and various disadvantages unlike their desires. Therefore, in this paper, we study a sign language translation system for communication between a normal person and a hearing impaired person using sign language and implement a prototype system for this. Previous studies on sign language translation systems for communication between normal people and hearing impaired people using sign language are classified into two types using video image system and shape input device. However, existing sign language translation systems have some problems that they do not recognize various sign language expressions of sign language users and require special devices. In this paper, we use machine learning method of artificial neural network to recognize various sign language expressions of sign language users. By using generalized smart phone and various video equipment for sign language image recognition, we intend to improve the usability of sign language translation system.


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Fig. 1. Structure of artificial neural network

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Fig. 2. Artificial neural network concept of sign language video recognition system

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Fig. 3. Part implementation code of artificial neural network

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Fig. 4. Example of numeric sign language image

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Fig. 5. Part implementation code of feed forward and backward propagation of artificial neural network

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Fig. 6. Learning and evaluation accuracy of artificial neural network 1600-10-10

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Fig. 7. Correct recognition by artificial neural network 1600-10-10

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Fig. 8. Incorrect recognition by artificial neural network 1600-10-10

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Fig. 9. Learning and evaluation accuracy of artificial neural network 1600-30-10

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Fig. 10. Correct recognition by artificial neural network 1600-30-10

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Fig. 11. Incorrect recognition by artificial neural network 1600-30-10

Table 1. Going out status of persons with disabilities - by year, by type of disability

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Table 2. Experiences that disabled people can not get to the clinic - Types of disability

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