Evaluation of ASCE 61-14 NSPs for the estimation of seismic demands in marginal wharves

  • Smith-Pardo, J. Paul. (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seattle University) ;
  • Reyes, Juan C. (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universidad de los Andes) ;
  • Sandoval, Juan D. (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universidad de los Andes) ;
  • Hassan, Wael M. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alaska)
  • Received : 2018.06.06
  • Accepted : 2018.11.23
  • Published : 2019.01.10


The Standard ASCE 61-14 proposes the Substitute Structure Method (SSM) as a Nonlinear Static Procedure (NSP) to estimate nonlinear displacement demands at the center of mass of piers or wharves under seismic actions. To account for bidirectional earthquake excitation according to the Standard, results from independent pushover analyses in each orthogonal direction should be combined using either a 100/30 directional approach or a procedure referred to as the Dynamic Magnification Factor, DMF. The main purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation of these NSPs in relation to four wharf model structures on soil conditions ranging from soft to medium dense clay. Results from nonlinear static analyses were compared against benchmark values of relevant Engineering Design Parameters, EDPs. The latter are defined as the geometric mean demands that are obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses using a set of 30 two-component ground motion records. It was found that SSM provides close estimates of the benchmark displacement demands at the center of mass of the wharf structures. Furthermore, for the most critical pile connection at a landside corner of the wharf the 100/30 and DMF approaches produced displacement, curvature, and force demands that were reasonably comparable to corresponding benchmark values.



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